blue1981's Replies

I listen to his radio show almost every day. I was able to watch the movie in theaters about a week ago. There was just so much to love when you see it on the big screen when you haven't watched it for many years. I can see why he might have said he loves Karate Kid more plus the Rocky series belonged more to Sly Stallone than him. I loved the movie and still do today. I remember the reviews being harsh in that they thought the characters where a bunch of Ken and Barbies going to war. In other words all the actors were too pretty for the movie. He's earned the right to retire and enjoy the rest of his days in peace. 1 2 Cobra Kai 3 4-It doesn't exist to me. Because he gets Chicks would be my guess. If you drink straight hard liqour, maybe. If you like beer, likely not. He took the risk and was responsible for his own health. He was probably very high risk at 74 and I'm sure he had other health issues. The dudes who get called feminine are the ones who consume massive amounts of soy. It was a prequel to avoid making the Nazis the villains again. I prefer American Dad over Family Guy. Stan Smith is my hero. I think Indy was disoriented from being poisoned by Lao and needed the antidote. Shave my legs once a week. I like the feeling of it and it helps stay cool in the summer. It's still summer and don't get why anyone would have a full beard this time of year as its just too damn hot. I don't mind the five o' clock shadow look on occasion but I still shave a couple of times a week and no I don't look like a 12-year old boy. I saw it as a kid and loved it. Yes its darker for a Robin Hood but I think that's what makes it a unique adaption. I'd say maybe in the 80s or 90s your post might be true but I don't think it has the same influence today. Yes I often watch Christmas movies throughout the year. Also due to the current state of the world I have been watching a lot of escapist and feelgood entertainment. Strongly Disagree, this was my favorite movie the year it was released. "I Don't know Boys but they look pretty god damn sweet to me"