blue1981's Replies

Yeah the black chick with the fro counts for the diversity quota checklist. I'm scared to death for the Obi Wan movie. Emilia Clark will be the true lead of the movie. Mark my words, this will happen. Every guy in it was a fucking moron or complete asshole. I was worried about my safety when i saw Straight Outta of Compton, and had no problems. I guess it depends where you see it in your town. I thought the movie looked good, but I'll probably avoid now since making it a success now seems like an SJW cause. I wasn't expecting any good reviews, I saw the first two for free, and the second one was unbearably boring. I'm just curious, I might go to a matinee to watch the finale. That's being generous, I would give her a 3. The only movie I can tolerate is Rogue One, and I would says its the least offensive in the Anti-White, Anti-Male, Globalist propaganda machine she has turned Star Wars into. I don't trust her that Solo can be any good, as I'm sure Emila Clarke will be there only to cut down Han's Alpha Male Character. Go watch Red Letter Media's Nerd Crew Star Wars videos on youtube. It may be a flashy trailer, but just because the Star Wars name is on it doesn't guarantee it will be good. Her character will be pointless, I guarantee it, only there to destroy Han's alpha male character and reign in his toxic masculinity. Yes its true, its a direct shot at Collider, Screen Junkies, John Campea, and countless other critics that act as if they are paid off to endlessly praise the shitty cash grab movies that Hollywood puts out when the viewing public sees through how much they suck. Fire Kathleen Kennedy and the SJW story group that have put their agenda over good storytelling. Put someone in charge who cares and has a clear vision for the movies and doesn't hate the fans the way she does. I fully expect it, because nothing says empowering like a barely 5ft woman thinking she can beat up a dude a foot taller, and 50 to 100 pounds heavier than her. I'm count down the time until Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW Loons that makeup her story group are fired. I give it until after Episode 9 comes out than she'll be done. If Disney is already thinking Solo will bomb, than chances are it will. I don't care what happens with episode 9, after that Disney needs to clean house at Lucasfilm. Kathleen Kennedy needs to be fired, so does her female led story group. Than Bob Iger needs to put someone in charge who actually cares about the brand, and doesn't hate the fans. I don't think she cares as long as her movies make money, one movie won't be enough to take her down, but if the backlash continues to grow there is a better chance for change to happen. Star Wars is episode 1-6 for me. At its core its youth indoctrination. I think it all has to do with the people in charge, and Star Wars will fix itself. Kathleen Kennedy and her gender studies story group don't care about making good movies, just lecturing the audience. The movies will get worse, and the higher ups at Disney will have to clean house at Lucasfilm. I hope Disney will change as well, and hope such sweeping change will happen when Bob Iger steps down as CEO, but that won't happen until sometime after the Fox merger if it goes through. I rolled my eyes a lot, I don't even remember the title crawl. The only reason I went to see it was because I had a free ticket. Luke's send off did pissed me off, and really shocked Leia survived, when we all know Carrie Fisher is gone. Well the new trailer came out today. I liked it much better, it was more fitting to the tone of the movie and what it will probably end up being. I have high hope and think it'll be good, there is no way there will be anything close to the rape scene from DW2 in this new movie. Did this really happen? Last year we got the Original Black Christmas, this year it was Silent Night Deadly Night. I was hoping they might try to get this movie for next year as their Holiday Horror release. I have bought nearly every release of the OT. I would love get these as they are preserving film history not ignoring it. I’ll always be afraid of buying it though, worried I could get in trouble. Is it a legit site, and if so how long did it take to receive you discs?