MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do some men get so uptight and emoti...

Why do some men get so uptight and emotionally wounded when someone mistakenly assumes they are a woman?

Do they feel women are beneath them? Above them?

I’m a woman and if someone assumes I’m a man I don’t care.

I don’t see men as being below me inherently at all.

I view people on an individual basis.

Is it naive of me to expect that from my society at large?


I'm completely content with who I am, where I've been and what I've done (good and bad) that I don't care what anyone says about me or even to me although I generally don't provoke people. I'm an island. ;)


That’s a good policy in theory.

The problem with it is that people’s treatment of each other is largely based on what they think of you.

So you’re saying that if most people looked down on you and treated you rudely and as if you were beneath them and everyone else around, you'd be ok with that?


Really I have minimal exposure to that. I'm not super socially active although I do play in a gigging band where people are generally nice. At work I pretty much keep to myself. I have a small group of friends where everyone is nice and I have a great relationship with my family, so what's left?


Nice! So that explains why you don’t care what people think about you. It’s because the people you are around respect you. But if they didn’t it would be a different story.

Say you traveled to a foreign land and people treated you with contempt for your ways. I think that would bother anyone.


I'm so tired I was trying to figure out what a giggling band was!


Gigging, ya crazy!! Although giggling does occur. ;)


The dudes who get called feminine are the ones who consume massive amounts of soy.


“ The dudes who get called feminine are the ones who consume massive amounts of soy.”

Haha! I had a friend who was bragging to me about how his Chinese nutritionist was telling him he ate too much yang food and it made him too masculine, lol. He was trying to seduce me. Didn’t work.
