MovieChat Forums > Politics > CDC: U.S. should have enough Covid-19 va...

CDC: U.S. should have enough Covid-19 vaccine to return to 'regular life' by third quarter of 2021

Lol at the comments. No one really even wants the vaccine even if it starts beginning on November. First it's STAY AT HOME TO PROTECT YOUR FELLOW CITIZEN then when people starting coming out again it was WEAR A MASK TO PROTECT YOUR FELLOW CITIZEN with the final TAKE A VACCINE TO RETURN TO NORMAL LIFE. Seems like people don't want to return to normal life anytime soon. Sure we need to make sure it's safe which is why we had the phase 3 trials.

What happened to Sputnik V?


The people who over hype the numbers as a thing to get rid of Trump will never go with a vaccine till Biden gets in. Its pretty much although a important issue as the people that die from overdose each year. Overdose will never get the hype to get rid of Trump with.


You sure it isn't this?


Having Trump gone by next year would be nice! Anyone who values their, and their family's life and health would agree with me.


Yes with Trump gone the guy weighing 80 pounds when he died will get listed as cancer not china virus.


That's good news! We need that, we suffered enough.

No one said anything about a 100% effective vaccine in less than 2 years. But heck.... A 60-80% effective one sure is much better than the position we're currently in.


I don't trust any vaccine with Bill Gates's name attached to it. I'm trying to think of the timetable of the Spanish Flu in 1918 and that lasted about a year and a half.


Call me old fashion, but I chose to trust scientists and health experts over anti-vaxxers who have no medical license and like to spread ignorance.
