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Who do you think will replace RBG as the next SCOTUS? (Trump stance) (2016 Graham and McConnell)

Ginsburg’s death comes even closer to the 2020 election — 46 days away. In all of American history, we have had only two Supreme Court vacancies closer to Election Day than we have now. In both instances, the incumbent president won reelection and nominated a replacement shortly after Election Day. (In terms of the actual confirmation, one was confirmed in December, one in March.) So by historical standards — and, notably, McConnell’s own previous standard — Trump would not nominate anyone unless he won a second term in November, since the election is less than two months away.

Mind you the Democrats are targeting the filibuster. Literally a god send to Trump now with 3 SCOTUS picks in just 1 term, more than any other president I think. Some are saying he'll repeal Roe v Wade once this pick is finalized.

-McConnell says Trump’s court pick will get Senate vote despite Ginsburg’s ‘most fervent wish’
-Biden warns GOP-controlled Senate not to hold an election-year vote to fill Ginsburg’s seat
-Trump reacts to Ginsburg’s death: ‘I’m actually sad to hear that’
-Pelosi says Ginsburg’s replacement should be committed to ’equality, opportunity and justice for all'


I really didn’t want her to pass until after the election. Recall what occurred when Obama wanted to seat a member of the SCOTUS before the last election? There is going to be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth if Trump attempts to replace her. On the other hand...Good Riddance you old witch!!


Trump only has a short window to replace her since there is no guarantee he'll win re-election. If he places his bet on winning, it may backfire. As for calling her a witch, why the disdain? Is it because she's pro-abortion?


That woman did much harm to the Constitution thereby harm to the country. She along with the other libs were/are legislating from the bench with Roberts going along with them at times. And yes, she was a pro-abort who more than likely is being judged herself about now. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Not true. Conservative judges also ruled in favor of pro-abort that time. Her criticism was correct. As Rehnquist stated in his dissent, the decision was a pure legislative act.

If she’d said that in 2020 she’d been cancelled as an alt-right Qanon racist who hates women. Not to mention her comments that Kaepernick kneeling was dumb & disrespectful.

RBG was fascinating. Her close friendship with Scalia a reminder of what’s been lost.


This tells me what an evil woman she was...and I dearly hope she pays for her murderous stupidity! From your link:

So far, Ginsburg’s most meaningful statement on abortion rights during her time on the court came in a scathing dissent she wrote in 2007, when the court voted 5 to 4 to uphold the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which outlawed a late-term abortion procedure.

It was the first time the court had ever agreed that doctors could not use a specific abortion method and the first time the justices ratified a restriction that did not include an exception for the health of a woman.

“In candor,” Ginsburg wrote, “the Act, and the court’s defense of it, cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away at a right declared again and again by this court — and with increasing comprehension of its centrality to women’s lives.”

Ginsburg was incensed by an assertion in Kennedy’s majority opinion that said it was “self-evident” that women who had abortions through such a method could come to regret their choice and, consequently, suffer from “severe depression and loss of esteem.”


Whoever is,Judge Roberts keeps this court in line.


Roberts is an idiot but I also think he's being blackmailed.


Robert was usually the tie breaker in these votes. With now a 3rd conservative in seat, his tie breaking deal won't really be a thing no more. Unless you mean something else by keeping 'in line' since they're always professional towards one another.


Not so since he was the deciding factor on Ocare. Conservatives have lost a lot of respect for him. Recently he sided with the libs on a case...can’t recall the case...too much going on to retain. Judge Roberts seems to be turning into a Judge Kennedy...never knowing which way he will swing.


It's called the Affordable Care Act. What about Affordable do you not like? Would you rather a wild west version of insurance where rich people have it and poor people don't?


Obamacare and Affordable Care Act are the same thing.

Obama must have thought "affordable" meant junk, as in junk insurance.


Very thoughtful ! (sarcasm)
Yes, we need BETTER insurance, which we know the pubs would never want.
They want some free market where the rich get what they deserve and the rest of us suffer.


Hmm, I googled justice Roberts side with liberals and it looks like he does have a streak with siding with the left on many issues.


Amy Coney Barrett


That's who crossed my mind, elcamino.


I like that pick. She was in contention the last time and I thought she was going to be selected.


I think so too, User548. That's why she came to my mind.
Hopefully she didn't "gang rape" a bunch of guys. 🙄😜😂


But but, she's white. DAS NOT DIVERSITY! 3 white judges in a row... REEEEEEEEEEEE!




My bad, a WHITE female. This would turn heads from the left for sure if she were picked and complaints of only white folk determining law for colored people.


I would hope Trump leans toward a strong conservative Black. Shove it right in Biden’s face! Biden was absolutely horrible to Justice Thomas during the Senate hearings.

Thomas said, “The Supreme Court is not worth it.” He described the hijacked confirmation process as “a circus, a national disgrace.”

He then added, “And from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I’m concerned, it is a high tech lynching.”


Amy Coney Barrett:
-48 years old.
-Called Roe v. Wade an “erroneous decision.”
-Called the ACA's birth control benefit an “assault on religious liberty.”
-Opposed by 27 LGBTQ groups during her appeals court confirmation.

Wow, they're already tweeting about the nomination pick you mentioned.


Lots of insufferable virtue signaling tonight on Facebook tonight over RBG. Little did people know she's been nothing but a corpse on the bench these last few years due to her having pancreatic cancer. If elected I expect Trump will pick a strong conservative woman for her spot.


This isn't facebroke.
