blue1981's Replies

I think I've read it somewhere the profession produces the greatest number of alcoholics. You're summing up people who are passing off opinions for facts. I'd say he's going to the hospital because of his age and making sure he is under supervision to recover as soon as possible. He's an Oscar Winning Director and Actor with more talent then the entire generation below him combined. Those are facts and they don't care about your feelings. When I saw the news about the purchase the first thing he did was virtue signal about the involvement of his ex-wife in the purchase. Football is a man's game and it's not that hard to wrap your brain around that. I very rarely watch tv that much anymore so they can just keep falling in the ratings. You're not encouraging creativity by boxing people in with quotas in the stories they tell. He'll likely be just fine. It helps he's one of the most alpha Presidents in our history. I wish I could have been in theaters in 1977 for Star Wars. I was born in 1981 so it was before my time. It's another name for soda. I just say coke no matter what kind of soda it is. Raising your kids on the classics is just as rewarding. Oh I know I just thought it would be worth mentioning. That just doesn't happen in a PG movie. By liberals logic if you are white and male you must constantly be apologizing for your gender and skin color. IF you don't subscribe to this mental disorder they think you're a white supremacist. The majority of young Republican women are beautiful while unhappy liberal women are fucking dogs. I barely watched a few minutes last night but I saw the question about packing the Supreme Court and Biden refused to answer. I don't fault Trump for being angry and coming out swinging last night. Biden struck me as nothing but a front candidate for the radical left and everything they have done to attempt a coupe in 2020. $30 t-shirts for the less than ten people that show up to hear him speak. Sadly none of the Disney movies today will never have any meanings that deep. Ghostbusters is still one of my favorite movies of all time. I was just wondering how do you look at the movies of your childhood differently as an adult. No he didnt, I saw Chris Wallace ask him about packing the Supreme Court and he refused to answer the question. They are two separate cities and two separate governments. It's not really confusing but don't worry most people who are not from the Midwest don't know about the two KC's. I live in the suburbs of KC but yes there are two Kansas Cities. Kansas City, KS is considered the poor side of town right next to Kansas City, MO. HaHa No I was referring to Pam Anderson. I live in Kansas close to Kansas City.