blue1981's Replies

He's earned the right to retire. Sure it would be great to see him in a movie again but he doesn't owe the public anything. I know where to find the their website if I want to go there, same wit Alex Jones and Infowars. Paul Joesph Watson is still on youtube which is pretty awesome. I've been to the casinos where I live when I was younger but now that I'm older I kind of look at them like you're throwing money away. You would have to be pretty desperate to go to a prostitute. I’m pretty sure Pacino is taller so my money would be on him. Did the recall not work? That's why I have never mentioned where I work on social media. The case against the McClosky's will either be dropped or they will be pardoned as well. The last Charlie Angels movie directed by Elizabeth Banks. She made a feminist movie for women and still found a way to blame men for it failing. If Biden caught COVID I'll bet he would be in really bad shape. Chances are good Trump will be just fine. I remember Bob Dole was around 70 at the time and the argument against him was he was too old to be President. Now the media wants Biden to be president and he would be 78 if he won. Trump is still younger and in better health. The Left has aligned with domestic terrorist groups (BLM and ANTIFA) and if they gain any power America will see the second Civil War. I hope voters are smart enough to understand that. It's still a good movie. Anyone watching it is smart enough to know ITS JUST A MOVIE. Any porn movie. Watch the movie by streaming or disc if it bothers you that much. Just a guess but I'm guessing with movies its often done by committee as opposed to songs where its more creative in artists collaborating with a producer to do something different with the material. I think him and Melania will be just fine. If Biden had caught it I think his prognosis might be grim as he's older, showing signs of Dementia, and has had a history of brain aneurysms. Try Pizza Rolls in an airfryer. It's pretty good. Wage a full scale war against whites. Mark my words that’s their goal. Alterbridge