MovieChat Forums > Politics > PROGNOSIS for POTUS NOT GOOD


On the RACHEL MADDOW SHOW an ONCOLOGIST was interviewed who said the way that the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY has come down with a FEVER so quickly today is a VERY BAD SIGN that he's not going to do well from this point forwards.

Because MOST people wouldn't begin to have those kind of SYMPTOMS until 10 DAYS later.

So by exhibiting problems this fast, that's probably also not GOOD NEWS that he's going to be able to FIGHT OFF the VIRUS very well.

PLUS the EXPERIMENTAL CONTAIL that he was INJECTED with today is also usually not given to someone until much later on in the course of the infection.

And MOST people are also not HOSPITALIZED as SOON as he's been either.

So it looks like maybe the POTUS has a VERY ROCKY ROAD up ahead for him. \


UPDATE SATURDAY, Oct 3rd, 2020 at 11AM CST:

A TEAM of DOCTORS are on the NEWS now and so far they sound mostly like the LETTER that the other DOCTOR let THE SCAM MAN write and then CLAIM that the DOCTOR had written it.

They're saying stuff like he's DOING SO WELL, his fever is gone, and that it's such an HONOR to TREAT HIM, etc. etc.

Definitely sounds FAKE as HELL and like they've been told to say what they're saying (probably as a way to keep PENCE from taking over control).

They're also EXTREMELY EVASIVE also refuse to discuss the RESULTS or the DETAILS or results of the TESTING on him.

And they also REFUSE to say IF he's been on OXYGEN or not, or discuss the results of other tests on his LUNGS.

They keep saying things like "They're NOT GOING to go into that".

They also say he's SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT when anyone can easily see he's OBESE or is GROSSLY OVERWEIGHT.

CNN also discussed how it looks like the SCAM MAN knew several days ago that he'd TESTED POSITIVE and has been DOWNPLAYING his condition and still continues to do so now.

And it also looks like he continued to keep doing ROUND TABLES and RALLIES etc. ever since WEDNESDAY while already KNOWING that he was INFECTED and STILL REFUSING to WEAR a MASK.


In comparison to this report still another one has been released that completely CONTRADICTS this other one, and says the last 24 HOURS had been VERY CONCERNING and that the next 48 HOURS would also be CRITICAL in REVEALING of what kind of an OUTCOME to expect from this point forwards.

In other words, it also sounds like the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY has also been trying to SCAM the PUBLIC AGAIN by FALSELY claiming that he's been doing BETTER than he has been.



WHAT did you JUST SAY? i had TROUBLE reading IT, SONNY


What's also interesting is the way that they say on the NEWS that in order for the SCAM MAN to come down with a FEVER this QUICKLY he must have also been SUBJECTED to some kind of a MASSIVE DOSE of the VIRUS.

Because most people exposed to it also take at least 10 DAYS before they'll have a FEVER like he has now.

So HOW is it possible he's TESTED NEGATIVE for it and then has SYMPTOMS this BAD this QUICKLY???

And Since they also say KIDS can carry up to 1,000 TIMES or more of the VIRUS inside of their noses, and that WOMAN nominated to replace RUTH on the SUPREME COURT also had a BUNCH of HER KIDS NOT WEARING MASKS there in the ROSE GARDEN who were also standing right next to MELANIA, perhaps that could also be the SOURCE of the SPREADING of the INFECTION???

How IRONIC would that be if that turns out to be how so many got INFECTED with it???

Because maybe the "RACE to REPLACE RUTH" before the ELECTION might also be what's caused so many of the GOP to now be INFECTED with COVID???



In addition to injecting him with the other COCKTAIL he had earlier today, The SCAM MAN has also been INJECTED with some other different DRUG tonight.

And the CHAIRMAN of the GOP has also been HOSPITALIZED as well now with the VIRUS, which also seems to indicate that the ROSE GARDEN event to replace the former SCOTUS is definitely also a SUPER SPREADER SOURCE or where lots of these INFECTIONS are coming from.



Lol. You could be Alex Jones.


Incoherent jibber jabber.




Yeah, call a medium. It's probably just Herman Cain paying him back from the other side.


Trump is obese, old, not healthy, has high blood pressure and dementia along with a high viral load. Many strikes against him.

It sounds like his cult is in denial.


Everyone focused on his age and obesity (which really goes up his ass, since he wants everyone to believe he's svelte). Everyone forgets he has dementia, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Not very good to battle COVID.

Same with Christy Creme. He's overweight, has a heart condition, and pushing 60.


Hell yes he's GROSSLY OVERWEIGHT and easily fits into the OBESE CATEGORY .... which is also why his VITAL SIGNS for the past 24 HOURS have been so CONCERNING.

Yet one of those doctors who did the NEWS CONFERENCE this morning still had the NERVE to try and say that HE WAS only "SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT" !!!

Another GUEST on MSNBC a few moments ago also said that he had NO SYMPATHY for him like others have expressed, because he compared him to being like an OUT of CONTROL DRUNK DRIVER who had DELIBERATELY KILLED over 200,000 PEOPLE with his RECKLESS BEHAVIOR.

And, imo, it was also REFRESHING to finally hear someone describe this JERK in the way that he deserves to be portrayed.

Because apparently the RECKLESSNESS and REFUSAL to wear a MASK continued right up until the last few moments as he went around SPREADING the VIRUS to others while already KNOWING beforehand that he'd tested POSITIVE for it.

And that should also be a CRIME for which others can SUE him (due to the way others were previously SUED for KNOWING they'd SPREAD the HIV VIRUS to others).

And With this DOCTOR being MANIPULATED to say that the SCAM MAN is only "SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT," that probably also seems to indicate his patient is still able to communicate (which is also TOO BAD). Because maybe if he's NOT able to LIE to us anymore, then we could finally GET to hear the TRUTH about what's happening for a change, instead of getting FED still more of his FAKE NEWS versions of UNTRUTHS!!!



You're summing up people who are passing off opinions for facts. I'd say he's going to the hospital because of his age and making sure he is under supervision to recover as soon as possible.


My theory is that Trump is a neurotic germophobe who just freaked out when he was diagnosed. He probably has mild symptoms but he's convinced that he's on death's door. Trump apparently drinks from a straw to avoid germs and washes his hands several times an hour. Most people get turned away from the hospital until they're showing severe symptoms but Trump can go to the Presidential suite when he has a cough.


I hope the scam man recovers, not because I have sympathy for someone who never had any sympathy for others, but because he needs to be healthy when he loses in a landslide and then goes to prison for life. When Milosevic died all his victims were disappointed. It was an easy out. All Trump's victims from Covid, Alt Right mass shootings, children in cages, etc. want to see justice, i.e. a long life for Donald in a cage!



A TEAM of DOCTORS are on the NEWS now and so far they sound mostly like the LETTER that the other DOCTOR let THE SCAM MAN write and then CLAIM that the DOCTOR had written it.

They're saying stuff like he's DOING SO WELL, his fever is gone, and that it's such an HONOR to TREAT HIM, etc. etc.

Definitely sounds FAKE as HELL and like they've been told to say what they're saying (probably as a way to keep PENCE from taking over control).

They're also EXTREMELY EVASIVE also refuse to discuss the RESULTS or the DETAILS or results of the TESTING on him.

And they also REFUSE to say IF he's been on OXYGEN or not, or discuss the results of other tests on his LUNGS.

They keep saying things like "They're NOT GOING to go into that".

They also say he's SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT when anyone can easily see he's OBESE or is GROSSLY OVERWEIGHT.

CNN also discussed how it looks like the SCAM MAN knew several days ago that he'd TESTED POSITIVE and has been DOWNPLAYING his condition and still continues to do so now.

And it also looks like he continued to keep doing ROUND TABLES and RALLIES etc. ever since WEDNESDAY while already KNOWING that he was INFECTED and STILL REFUSING to WEAR a MASK.

