MILO: 'Women Have Ruined Star Wars'

He totally nails it:

"[China] had an almost a 95% drop in box off takings because Chinese audiences just weren't interested in being lectured on gender and identity politics by a sci-fi movie."


"He totally nails it"

No, he doesn't. First of all, he's an idiot for thinking that a "Rogue One" sequel is coming out in four months instead of knowing it's a Han Solo movie.

Last Jedi had no story, no follow-up from first movie, repetitive and dull. Did it occur to you that the Chinese hated it for the same reason why everyone else hated it? Last Jedi sucked.

Bad word of mouth because people who saw it warned their friends and family to stay away.

There were better written and directed Chinese movies that were competing.

The Chinese aren't into any of the Star Wars movies including the originals.

From what I read by Chinese people (not a white Brit), the cultural and historical differences make the Star Wars story confusing and bland.


We shouldn't even be giving this douche nozzle views, but it seems he meant the Anthology Series, which are the standalone films of which Rogue One is the first. Rogue One was amazing by the way, and I'm hoping that the strategy by Disney is that the Anthology Series is for adults while the Sequel Trilogy and further Rian Johnson films are for the youth.


He wasn't referring to it as a Rogue One sequel, but as a Star Wars Story sequel, as in running in that same line, he just labeled it wrong. The Han Solo movie is not an 'Episode' but another standalone--yet linked to the 'Episodes'.

Han Solo movie will either get a trailer very soon, or it will be pushed back to a later date.


Pfft, woman have not ruined Star Wars, in fact no one has. If anything, the complete idiotic section of the fan base who've been whinging so much have ruined it for those who liked the movie. I'd like to say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but here it's more like the squeaky still a squeaky wheel that's irritating as fuck but doesn't deserve to be greased.


Only a brain-dead misogynist would consider a cast with a decent amount of women in it to be a "lecture."

I won't click on the link to give crap like that views. The assumption you posted about why it bombed in China is hilarious and asinine.


You should have said white feminism ruined star wars, which is even apparent in TFA. A woman answers space phone in star trek caused outrage, but a black man (Finn) works as a space janitor is OK? Almost all the resistance senior leaders are white women, clearly no colored women are ever good enough. All the father figures (Snoke and Luke) in TLJ are mean, weak and beaten, but the mother figure (Leia) is wise, respectable and with inhuman capabilities (survived in space).

One thing is clear in the new star wars franchise is just how ugly white feminism (or white female supremacy) is.

Wikipedia page of Baizuo (as mentioned in the video) is also worth reading:


I don't think Kathleen Kennedy has figured out that you can uplift women's role in the SW franchise without demeaning everyone else.

Rose and her sister were represented well, but I think they're trying to get China's population to watch.
