MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

I think it will drop to around 7 in about a week. I thought the same. One thing is clear Rian Johnson is not a decent or honest person, even by Hollywood standard, not just him, everyone at the top of this project is no different. Now these awful people have control of star wars franchise, making trademark Disney teen movies. Then again we shouldn't be surprised, it is a Disney movie after all. So I was right, you do agree Mr Spacey is not at fault. That was my main point anyway. So you also agree Mr Spacey is not really at fault because nobody told him no, right? Because that is what we are talking about here. Harassment is only harassment after being told no, before that it is just advances. It seems your two only focusing on that because you can't deny what I am saying above. It might be time for you to state your age. Because I have no interest in continuing a conversation about word play. You know full well what I am talking about. Or are you running out of arguments? Would you be kind enough to explain to me why you don't understand? Yes, it would be really wrong if they keep harassing people after being told no. What I kept hearing is that people were afraid of saying no. You see, I think that is the problem, how would Mr Spacey even know his advances were unwanted? People like him being sucked up long enough to think everyone wants him. In an ideal environment that would be the case. But I worked long enough to know that light flirting goes on all the time around kitchen area in just about every company I worked before. You would be really naive to think good looking men and women don't get noticed and attention just because they are in an office. In entertainment industry good looking people are just about everywhere. I am 45 years old retired software engineer. I don't mind telling you that, but you might want to share your own age before asking others. Ah, I understand now. You just don't give a damn about people who have wealth and power. An assistant could be a fan, security is not always around on set. I bet people like Kevin Spacey get harassed on daily basis. I bet plenty of fans would do that. If a big movie star you worship is nearby, what would you do? Keeping repeating the same thing does not make it true. People's lives and careers are ruined, like Mr Spacey here. Of course I bet you don't give a damn. But you agree like I said his sin is not making advances, his sin is that he is the boss. His assistant could make the same advances to him, but would not face the same consequences (A flat no would do it). The entertainment industry does not seem to have the "employees should not date" policy (we hear plenty of co-stars dating), so there is some sort of discrimination going on here. Most people would not rape, rob and kill people, it is only a small minority of people doing that, but I wouldn't say having courts, police and prison "overreacting", or is that just my business as well? That is the thing, isn't it? The only thing wrong is because he is important. If he isn't, people would just say no, and that is that. It is not about what really happened. It is about what people could accuse you of. That is what is happening in today's world. Having sex with someone you risk being accused of rape. Yes, that is the reality. And now even shaking someone's hand you risk being accused of sexual assault. Maybe it is time Chinese fist and palm salute should be implemented as common etiquette instead, the whole fist and palm gesture says "Please keep your distance". No, it shouldn't. And what if you have been accused (maybe wrongfully) of shaking someone's hand that way? Think about it, your career could be ruined, life as you know it could end. Is that worth the risk? Like I said, it is better safe then sorry. So it is time to stop all body contact. In today's environment, it seems to be better that way. Then again, isn't that just sad? Not yet anyway. But the way society is going soon people could be accused improperly squeezing someone else's hand in a sexual way and people would say they only allow their hands being touched because they worry they might get fired if they refuse to do so, etc. Well, we are becoming a society of keeping healthy distance from each other. Let's have no body contact whatsoever, or it could be considered as sexual assault. Shaking hands? Don't even think about it. Having sex, are you crazy? That is asking for a lawsuit!