MovieChat Forums > Creed (2015) Discussion > Apollo winning the 3rd fight makes 0 sen...

Apollo winning the 3rd fight makes 0 sense

Ok so

Rocky 1- Rocky trains super hard for 5 weeks while Apollo does 0- little training…..they pretty much beat the crap out of each other and Draw

Rocky 2- Both train super hard, Apollo trains and takes it serious and Rocky also trains super hard to become even stronger and a better fighter than in Rocky 1 fight. Both beat the crap out of each other, with Apollo having an advantage; but realizing no matter how hard he hits and how hard he trains. He will never knock Rocky out and beat him.

Rocky 3…Rocky maintains his skills, but loses his passion and devotion like he had in 2….but after a SMALL Micky training and then after a super passion and dedicated training for the second fight….hes got all the toughness and skills from the first 2 Apollo fights and the second Clubber fight. And he takes all that to his 3rd fight with Apollo who’s been retired for about 4 years….theres no way Rocky should of lost, since he was in his prime at that point


It was in the script



Aside from the fact that we don't know how much training Apollo was doing prior to Rocky III events, we clearly see him stride for stride with Rocky during their training montage. He was getting plenty out of it even while he was teaching.

Besides, Rocky in III was faster and more skilled, but also had less power and would have been using Apollo's skills and tricks. They worked great on Clubber, but would have been much less effective against Apollo himself. Makes total sense Apollo won!


Good job, you found a plot hole


I agree, that’s a plot hole. Another plot hole I noticed is apparently Rocky Junior sold the house and moved while Rocky, Adrian and Paulie were in Russia. A 12 year old kid would never be able to pull off that kind of business transaction and he would have needed Rocky and Adrian’s permission.


That didn't happen. Trust me, I happen to be an expert in the Rocky franchise and know more than most people


When Rocky, Adrian and Paulie come home they are living in a different house. Rocky Junior had to have sold the house while they were away and bought a new one.


The house looked the same to me


Trust me it wasn’t, Rocky Junior obviously put the old house on the market and bought a new one, either that or the Robot did it but if we are going by the Directors Cut the robot isn’t in it so it had to have been Rocky Junior.


Have you considered the possibility that Rocky was lying?


Thought about that, but it is not like his character. Rocky feels like someone who is always honest.
