MovieChat Forums > Sean 'Diddy' Combs Discussion > Alexa caught him getting up to trouble

Alexa caught him getting up to trouble

One of the employees with Amazon who does "quality control" for Alexa's listening in, err, voice command system, heard some things while listening to an Alexa recording. Instead of Diddy talk about his next album, he got an earful of all kinds of deviant behavior.

Amazon doesn't want people made aware that Alexa is always on and recording, and that those recordings can be listened to for "quality control purposes", so the Feds were tipped off anonymously.

The real truth.


Even if that were true(I seriously doubt it) there's no way in hell any of that would be admissible as evidence!


Of course not, and Amazon doesn't want it to be. The raid is to find something they can use in court.

is it true? I did make it up, but I mean, I could see something like that happening at some point.


Nor would this poster have exclusive access to that information,lol.


You don't know me!


I know you, Diddy!


He should've used Google Assistant instead, since Google is very good about respecting privacy.


i wouldn’t want to be p diddy right now.
