MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Explain one thing to me (spoilers)

Explain one thing to me (spoilers)

I have a few questions.

1) what exactly happened to Captain America? He went to the past, lived his life. But now appeared in their present? How? Was the old Captain America always there, in this same timeline? I got the impression that by going to the past they would basically create a new timeline, but this doesn't seem like what happened to Cap.

2) why can't they get Natalie back? Is it because she died supernaturally, or is it because she's in another timeline? Because it seems to me they are going to get Gamorra back in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

3) is Thor going to be officially part of the Guardians, now?


Anyone who's fate is tied to a stone didn't come back; Nat, Vision, Gamora...


Yeah but Nat died in another timeline , she should be Alive in the main timeline or am i missing something?


There's no real rule set here, it's just all about setting up a compelling future narrative.

If Nat is dead then she'll at some point prior to the scheduled Black Widow movie have to be resurrected.

If she's alive and stranded on Vormir then she'll have to make her way home or be rescued, either in her own movie or in 'Asgardians of the Galaxy'!


Or, they realize they need Nat for some world ending event and since they cant resurrect her, they just snag another one from a different timeline.


Then they can do that with any dead characters such as [spoiler] Tony [/spoiler] ?


No, Disney wouldn't want to pay [spoiler]Robert Downey Jr.[/spoiler] exorbitant amount of money anymore. So, no.


The main/real/original Nat died sacrificing her soul to get soul stone, so there is no resurrection from that (at least that what the movie says). It doesn't matter where she died, even if she was on another timeline, the main Nat died, and the one from that timeline is still on earth working for SHIELD.


It's the same scenario with Gemora, she died because she was a sacrifice for the soul stone, so the main Gemora is dead, but 2014 version that came with past Thanos is still alive. So I guess at any point if BW is resurrected it will be the past version before she was sacrificed.


Then they just need to go back in time once more just before Nat is going to Vormir and kidnap her to 2019.


They may do that for the BW movie that is supposed to be coming out. Not sure


We will probably learn more about the Soul Stone, and its powers, in GOTG 3.

They set up Adam Warlock at the end of Guardians 2, and in the comics, he was the posesser of the Soul Stone. If Quill is searching for a way to bring back his Gamora, Adam Warlock will probably have the answer.

I think that's also why the paired Thor with the Guardians, as one of Adam Warlock's first battles in against Thor.


1) Your impression is right, multiverse timelines are what Stark and Banner explained in the movie. They change it exclusively for Cap, either poor writing or pressure from the studio for a happy ending for Cap.

2) They need a sacrifice of a soul to get the soul stone, so I don't think you can use the stone's power to get her back. If Gamora appears in the next movie, then it's probably the "other" Gamora, from the second Thanos timeline. But then again, they did says that a Black Widow movie is in the future.


One internally consistent ending for Cap is that he lived out his life in a parallel timeline, but returned eventually to his current timeline. He winds up on the bench because, as Banner says, he "blew past the entry point" (or something like that).

It fits because the movie tells us flat out that we can't change the past. It also fits Steve because he's old and tired and more than willing to lead a normal life, especially after seeing Tony die. But it's not in his character to do so irresponsibly, so we can imagine he took steps in the parallel timeline to ensure that things work out.

I doubt this, however. I imagine when the commentary comes out, we'll be told that Cap was Peggy's mysterious husband all along, which raises MANY questions and potential plot holes.
