MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > You Work So Hard to Become Queen

You Work So Hard to Become Queen

Allowing yourself to be pimped off by your brother, marrying a brutish rape-happy war-lord, walking across miles of the desert begging for help, training three difficult to control dragons, freeing slaves and winning the affection of thousands of foreign armies, and assembling a powerful fleet ready to take on Westeros...and then some guy comes along and, without having to lift a finger, takes it all away from you.

Bloody patriarchy.


PATRIARCHY FOREVER! Keep the women in their place!


....and he doesn't even want it.


Indeed, but others, if they discover the truth, will claim he is the one true king, and Daenerys might have good reason to be somewhat fearful of her position right now (or at least after the whole Knight King/White Walkers hassle is sorted).


Daenerys is no queen. Like Daario said, she is a conqueror.
She gained the Unsullied by slaughtering their masters. She gained the Dothraki by burning the other Khal's alive.
She conquered Mereen, then continued to force her rule upon them when they wanted her out.
Once in Westeros she burned "innocent" soldiers alive, then burned the Tarly's for refusing to submit. Now ahe wants Sansa to bend the knee. What if Sansa says no.
She also unleashed a rape-happy horde on a new continent.
She promised to break the wheel, but she is the wheel. Her only claim to the throne of Westeros is based on her father.
Monarchy is folly. Even if she turned out to be a "good" queen, what about her children, or grandchildren. Who knows if they turn out to be idiots or a-holes.
Jon has displayed leadership by making peace, making enemies into allies. Putting himself in danger along with his troops. He has been elected to lead.
Sansa has displayed leadership by forging alliances, bringing the Eyrie to fight for the North. Sansa has the true affection of those around her (like Brienne and Theon).
Bottom line, whatever exists after the White Walkers are defeated will be ruled by the people, and representatives of the people. Democracy is coming!


Like Missandei said, she isn't their queen because of her lineage. She's queen because her people believe in her. Her army won't accept Jon as king no matter who his parents are(even if he did want it). She was going to have to pound the northern and southern lords into submission either way. Absolutely nothing has changed for her other than she has family now.


Her ARMY is a bunch of foreign invaders. Not one Westerosi among them. She should go back to Essos.
Do QUEENS rule armies or countries. She is warlord, not a Queen.
She wants a new wheel where her face appears in every slice. Democracy is coming!


Aegon Targaryan was a conqueror before he became king.
Robert was a rebellious usurper who had zero claim to the Throne before he became king.

Clearly, being a monarch has nothing to do with rite and everything to do with having the ability to take it, which she sure as hell does.


I'm pretty sure Jon has no desire to become the overlord of Westeros. His problem is mostly about loving and fucking a close relative.


Sure, but if others find out it could potentially be curtains for Daenerys*. Remember, the people of Westeros, particularly Winterfell, don't particularly like or trust her, and view her as a strange foreign interloper who has spent her time outside of their land amassing an army to conquer it, rather than fighting for and winning the trust of its people. And that's no criticism of Daenerys, but just an acknowledgement of the situation.

*Which is not to say that I think she's going to die. On the contrary. But it does mean she will have to watch her back and take care of her own interests to survive, and that may mean crossing certain lines.
