ebhaynz's Replies

I've got the FBI so far up my ass I can taste Brylcreem. He has points so yes, he's getting residuals..but..he's already rich so the extra money does him no good. I remember not watching SNL very much from 1980-1988. Then, in 1989 SNL was celebrating its 15th anniversary and the show was outstanding. Others(Jim Downey) have also said 1989 was SNL's best season. I was stationed in South Korea the military channel would show the newest episode on Sunday Night, then replay it the next Saturday Night what a special treat. looks like her daily walk at camp cupcake. Not as much as I do. Richard Burton. He doesn't have a pleasing personality I read he got banned. So 6 out of his 9 movies are revenge fantasy??!! Wow, I definitely agree with Jaws, Back to the Future, and you know, with the way they made that priest so conflicted in The Exorcist--along with all the great acting, scenes, mystery, gore, dark humor, etc--I can jump on board with it being damn near perfect. I haven't seen Texas Chainsaw, but now I'm gonna. Annie Hall? Can't stand stupid shit like this. Young Frankenstein? From what I remember it's got a few hilarious scenes but is very short movie and Gene Hackman wasn't all that spectacular. 8/10. The Wild Bunch? Never seen it but I think for me it would be a tough watch. So yeah, Jaws, BTTF, Exorcist I'll add Platoon, The Thing, Raiders, Goodfellas, T1, T2, as far as modern movies go. Arnold also almost died during his first heart surgery back in 1997. The first surgery didn't work so they had to immediately go back in and remove/replace the faulty pig valve. Arnold does fit the narcisstic body builder type but he at least had some charisma. He had a rough childhood in post war Austria, his dad heavily favored his older brother. I guess what I'm trying to say Arnold overcame a lot to become what he was but he has had quite a substantial fall from grace. Now, Arnold's best friend ever was a real piece of sh!t. Franco Colombo he always did nasty things and got away with it because of his association with Arnold. I think you're right. I remember reading about Toby's cancer in the summer of 2022. The article said he was in "Cancer Hell". Which immediately saddened me as I knew the road ahead would be very rough. Yeah it's unwatchable for many reasons He didn't look good when he was at an awards show in Nov. Man this sucks Toby was a really cool dude. One of the all time great country singers we're going to miss you Toby! They're both shite and both movies ruined the franchise they should have made 2 or 3 Indy movies every decade until 2016 then call it a day. I think it's an effort to NOT pick on those poor morbidly obese people while they are down on the luck. I followed Masterson's case pretty close. I looked for signs that he was innocent but honestly, it wasn't there..ever. He used a gun too. Threatening tactics, just brutal. The judge ordered Masterson's guns to be turned in..and they were. He really seems like a very bad guy and I believe he belongs in prison on a long sentence. "I'll be black"