Everybody hates him



For a couple reason.

1. He's never been a good "critic". To give him credit, he was one of the early YouTube movie critics to really consistently review new movies, but his reviews and analysis were always pretty surface level and he just regurgitates other talking points from other reviews. For example, he saw Movie 43 3 weeks after it was released, made some video where he was acting like had a meltdown while just repeating the same points people had made weeks ago acting like it was fresh. I feel like he mostly got popular because he appealed heavily to online nerds and put out consistent content.

2. The dude is walking meme. From stuff like constantly saying "I grew up with..." whatever series he is reviewing to his hilariously bad short films and scripts, he was constantly finding was to embarrass himself and people would meme him for it and he handled some of it really badly. I remember Red Letter Media made fun of him and he made a response video where he was borderline in tears and pretty much said they shouldn't insult him because he's a fan.

3. Most recently he lost a lot of respect from people because when he started working on his first movie, he made the decision that he was "Only going to focus on the positive aspects of movies" and wouldn't review anything he didn't like AKA he sold out because he was scared it would negatively impact his career making movies if he gave somebody a negative review. Last week he made a video refusing to review Madame Web and basically just blamed the studio and said that the filmmakers weren't at fault.


he has one of those punch-able faces.
the kind of face you want to punch.


He doesn't have a pleasing personality


I don't know much. I find his reviews a bit boring.

He recently came out with a statement about reviewing Madam Web or something. I figure, the Angry Video Games Nerd refused to review Ghostbusters 2016 and that pissed people off. So it seems it's probably the same malarkey.


I like him as a person but as a film critic, yeah, he's pretty bland. As others have pointed out, his opinions always seem very safe and derivative of other people's reviews. You get next to no original takes on any movie whatsoever on his channel, everything is always conforming and predictable. It's only gotten worse ever since he began trying to make the leap from film critic to filmmaker, as he now won't even bother to review anything he doesn't like, all because he's scared of burning any possible bridges in the industry.

With his bland, humdrum takes on movies and his general pussy attitude about everything, I really don't think he has it in him to make a successful transition from film critic to filmmaker. Someone so timid and easily afraid is the last thing we want or need in our current age of woke, PC, unchallenging movies. At best, he'd probably just make for an okay work-for-hire TV director on the CW or something.


I certainly don't hate the guy. He's a very nice dude actually and very likeable. However, as an on-camera reviewer he's pretty vanilla. I appreciate his insight but he's kind of boring.

As for his "I'll only give positive reviews." That's such a joke it's not even funny. The first ever project I did in HS film class was a still image video. We, as a class submitted our projects, watched them as a group, and proceeded to give analysis on each video highlighting both the positives, and the negative as well. Our teacher put emphasis on the fact that if you don't talk about the negative you can't grow and get better as a filmmaker.

So the idea of this "I'm only doing positive reviews" because I want to break into the industry and don't want to ruffle feathers is very weak to me. I'd respect him more if he stuck to his guns, while giving an honest and balanced review while also trying to break into the industry
