MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Should I watch original first?

Should I watch original first?

Or go in fresh?


I definitely would. Be sure to watch the original theatrical release, it's the best way to go.


oh wait, is there a crappy directors cut that killed the original's genius like Donnie Darko?


I knew the DD director cut was in trouble when they started playing "Never Tear Us Apart" where "The Killing Moon" belonged.


yup, the rewatch value for me was always the music of Donnie Darko, and I thought The Killing Moon was perfect because it set the mood of the 1980s, and was upbeat (like the 80s) and serves the purpose of creating a 'world in balance', which is what good stories have before the problem arises that throws the world out of balance (Frank the Rabbit here, or the engine, however you look at it.)


That's why I'm always leary of the "directors cut". The original theatrical release of Blade Runner works, Ridley was forced to put in the narration for a very good reason.


too late, I just googled and found out. So the 'final cut' is the directors true cut, released in 2007 and then there is 4 other versions, the theatrical being one of them.


Personally recommend the theatrical cut also. The rest are all "altered" in some way. Directors cut fixes some FX and alters other things, but still the THEATRICAL CUT holds the most of what the original BLADE RUNNER was.


I still would go with the original theatrical release as it's by far the best in my opinion. Actually, you might want to watch two different versions and make your own decision. Be aware that it's hard to watch Blade Runner the first time you see it, there's a few boring scenes that are tough to get through. The weird thing is that after you've see all or part of BR, you'll enjoy it much, much more by taking a few months and then going back to watch it again. It's why it became a cult classic.


Watch The Final Cut first. It was the first version I watched and fell in love with. 99% of the time I always favour the theatrical version most but in this case the theatrical ending just doesn't gel as well. If I'd watched the theatrical first I probably wouldn't have connected with the film as much as I do now.


I read about some voice over different ending. I've already got the theatrical version downloaded so i'll look for the alternative scenes on youtube or something. Thanks.


There's now an IMDb review:
3 October 2017 | by FabledGentleman (Norway) – See all my reviews

This is not so much a review, rather my thoughts on the film, now right after i saw it. There is plenty of reviews around that can explain the plot without spoilers better than me. Before i begin however, i want to say this. If you haven't seen the original film, see that first, and see the final cut version. Not the director's cut, not the theatrical cut. But the final cut. Very important. So here we go.

Because oh my lord, the images in this film, it's like a dream, you just sit there in awe of this absolutely gorgeous piece of art that is being displayed in front of you. At almost 3 hours in length you'd expect it to feel long, but i didn't notice at all, i was just sitting there eating eye candy and forgot i was even in a cinema. The film delivers the same tone and atmosphere as the first film, but it takes it further in almost every way, it feels like a natural continuation of the original, without trying to overdo or redo it, it just flows naturally. Not only the gorgeous images, but also the story and the narrative. Not to mention the fantastic soundtrack.

And Denis who loves to film on actual sets rather than make everything in Green Screen. His philosophy is that an actor needs something to hold in his hand, something to stand on, something to look at, something to sit in, to be able to create the real emotions his scenes require. And in the spirit of this philosophy they have created some absolutely gorgeous sets for this film, it's easy to admire and appreciate real props and sets in these times of heavy CGI, you just notice, and it brings a certain warmth to the film. But that's not to say the CGI in this film isn't appreciated, because the CGI in BR2049 is nothing short of spectacular, and as everything else in this film it looks and feels like it's made just right.


Probably if you are going to see it, see if for what it is.
That is don't see the original movie, and for God's sake don't read the book.
The book will make any movie look bad.
And the original movie might make you not want to see it at all.
