MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

I'm saying homosexuality itself is a sexual deviancy/fetish that should be kept in the shadows instead of being promoted as normal in the media. Whatever tactics they used in order to promote it on this specific episode are irrelevant. Money is one factor but the power to shape public opinion and culture so that the world agrees with your ideology is another. That power is the reason for making money (after a certain level) in the first place. There is a new gay porno coming out soon. Maybe you should watch it after this. And? hanniball hell on wheels peaky blinders spartacus If you want moderation go back to imdb. To make you gay The only "review bombing" that is happening is gays voting 10 just because it's gay. What do you call reverse review bombing? If pushing sexually deviant fetishes everywhere is your definition of "progress" then your "progress" is a bad thing that needs to be stopped. "If you drink wine and know how to cook you must be gay" That's your brain on jewish media If you don't want to talk politics that's fine but you're the one who engaged with me on a topic related to politics lol so of course I'm going to keep going, I like to debate politics. I'm more than happy to keep discussing this but if you don't want to that's fine. For example, the reason he would be better than Biden is that he doesn't have his family tied to some shady corrupt businesses in Ukraine in which (by pure coincidence I'm sure lmao) we now have a war hurting the whole world. Having experience as a crook politician is a negative thing. Yes I would rather have a cashier instead of a dentist that was shown to be incompetent and cause permanent nerve damage on the people he operated in the past. At least the cashier will tell me he doesn't really know wtf he's doing and that I should just brush more often instead. Then stop wondering why people treat you with contempt in your life when you want others to give you answers to your questions but you're unwilling to return the kindness. The answer is yes. Now will you answer mine? Bro you are literally delusional. You are the only person in this whole thread so far to use that term. You think a black rapper is disparaging black people because he says he loves nazis and jews at the same time. This whole dialectic is above you. Just sit down and listen instead. Try to understand instead of repeating memes you heard somewhere else. Are you claiming what we have now is any better? I accept your surrender. I'm not familiar with what he said about slavery, I'm talking in the context of Hitler in the AJ interview just recently. Slavery was bad but not as bad as these victimhood professionals claim anyways. Why am I stupid? It's unquestionable there is a jewish mafia running things just look at the recent FTX/SBF scandal, that's just one more to add to the pile but we have been conditioned never to criticize them. The same never happened for the Italian mafia. There is nothing "nazi" or "antisemitic" about discussing the power of the jewish mafia, those are just words these people have been brainwashed their whole life to worship and use as weapons against valid criticism. Whatever. And? Ye thinks every person is worthy of love including Hitler. You failed to refute this perspective, you didn't even try. I don't care what you think about me, noone cares. I accept your surrender. "anti-semite", "racist", "nazi", these are words without meaning. I don't care, noone cares. Next time engage with the arguments.