MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > People surprised at the gay kiss? They ...

People surprised at the gay kiss? They gave us clues.

This isn’t a politics / culture post. Slug it out elsewhere.
No, what I’m curious about is how some people are saying that the gay kiss / romance caught them off guard, that they didn’t expect it, etc.

See, I think they built up to it with some decreasingly -subtle clues as the moment approached.

Let’s review:

1. We are introduced to Bill as a survivalist prepper, with a mistrust of the government, incredible DIY skills and self-sufficiency. So a pretty conservative type, not exactly an LGBTQ poster boy.

2. The first thing I noticed that went against type was that, when he raided the liquor store, he went for cases of wine. Seems like a man like this would go for whiskey or beer or even be a teetotal. But ok, people are individuals, I guess our guy likes wine.

3. Next clue was the first cooking scene. This man is practically a chef. He’s not roasting or grilling or barbecuing. He’s carefully concocting something like beef au jus and saving the stock / jus. Also, look at his fine cookware. Look at how he prepares his plate setting even when eating alone.
So, once more, not what you’d expect. But whatever, maybe that’s just how he rolls.

4. When he catches Frank in the trap, I actually didn’t pick up on anything, other than the symbolism of having another man fall into his hole, tee-hee-hee (but I didn’t actually realize this until later on, so not gonna count it).

5. But then… they start to introduce some gradual tension between the two. When he lays out clothes for Frank while the latter is taking a shower. Bill is clearly lingering there and pondering… something. He’s uncomfortable but trying to appear indifferent. He’s not.
And I’m thinking… this man is probably gay and probably closeted.

6. Then at the first meal. Bill didn’t just give Frank a can of corn and a sandwich and tell him to eff off. He cooks a fine meal. He pours wine. He wants Frank to enjoy the food. Look at the plate settings again. They discuss wine pairings. And Bill even acknowledges that he doesn’t seem like the type. Frank, who has already picked up on the vibe, counters that Bill actually does.
So, by now, I’m like… yeah, they’re gay.

7. And then we get the piano scene. All those records. Frank knowing them all. The two of them singing Linda Ronstadt, for god’s sake. Hello?!
At this point I’m like… “and 3 2 1… there it is.”

All this to say, that I’m surprised that this took some people by, well, surprise. Or that some people thought that Frank was going to kill Bill (unintentional movie reference there). I’m thinking really??? I was expecting more along the lines of the two of them singing show-tunes together than one of them offing the other.

Anyway, let this be a lesson to you kids:
Learn to cook and don’t trust the government.



I think the surprise itself was the point. What makes this episode stand out is exactly that. Except for Bill's suicide at the end, which was a little too sappy, the episode was really excellent in all aspects. Someone who is used to living alone, and used to being cynical about people doesn't just totally change into a hopeless romantic. But I guess to leave the letter he had to die.

Trying to insinuate gayness because someone prefers to drink wine instead of liquor is kind of thin reasoning.

One thing that worked to keep peoples' minds busy I think so that they did not consider or put gayness on the backburner was constant suspicion that either Bill was going to have to kill Frank or that when Bill relaxed his guard Frank was going to murder him. The whole construction of the episode was really clever, especially in the way it played the viewer.


Wine?, fine dining?, these are now gay indicators?, give me a break


Yeah, seriously. I guess men aren’t allowed to be classy anymore without people assuming they’re gay.


I always knew the Last of Us was gay ass BS from the very first video game


Yeah. You can say that again.

Oh you did.


I haven't watched it but I'm not surprised at all because i knew The Last of Us was Gay BS when the first game came out.


A post so shyte you had to do it twice.


The same can be said about the game


Plus everyone who played the game knew what was going to happen.


Alas, I’ve never played the game.



Well they are sticking pretty close to it so not missing too much.


Wrong. It was implied Bill's sexuality in the game. They expanded upon Bill's relationship full throttle here.


Not wrong. Just because they expanded it, doesn’t mean we didn’t know about them being in a relationship.


Plus everyone who played the game knew what was going to happen.

This you? Everyone who played the game didn't know they were gonna dedicate an hour plus to an onscreen bromance that.....never happened in said game.


The title of the thread was about people being surprised at the gay kiss.
I played the game and was not surprised.
If you are calling it a ‘bromance’ in the game you are in denial.


What does the title of the thread have to do with your erroneous statement lol? I can't call it a bromance in the game because there was nothing on-screen between Bill and Frank! You're unbelievable.


I’m sorry if you are slow and you can’t comprehend subtle clues.

But Bill and Frank were in a relationship in the game.

The title of the thread was people being surprised at a gay kiss.

I said people who played the game knew exactly what was going to happen (gay kiss).

It is really simple.


Yeah, it has been awhile since I played the game, but I remember not realizing Bill was gay until Ellie found his gay porno mags.


"If you drink wine and know how to cook you must be gay"

That's your brain on jewish media
