MovieChat Forums > Ye Discussion > Don't enable mentally challenged celebs

Don't enable mentally challenged celebs

Why do we keep these people in celebrity status?
We need to get themsome help instead


Speak for yourself.
The only help I AM willing to offer this P.O.S. is with a labotomy.


Do you have an actual refutation for anything he said?
Or is it that you are the one having a purely emotional response caused by decades of propaganda?


oh my god, really?


Yea, I thought so. Funny how there isn't a single person who can rationally refute what he said and it's all just this emotional thing going on.


You like Hitler, too?


Is my question really that complicated that people can only answer it with other questions?


As a Ye fan, your not really making much sense.
Are you fucking dense?
We're not about to requote all the moronic shit this idiot has said for you. It's all been public, you know it, so you're question is pointless.
If you can't see the issue with him, that's on you, and we don't care.


Do you know what is a refutation?
I'm asking you to show me what is it that he said that was wrong and how it was wrong.
Instead you're just screeching and being emotional. You don't have an argument...


well, I guess, since "WRONG" is defined by different moralities of each individual (unfortunately) I can't tell you where it is wrong, because your morality simply won't agree.

sieg heil!!

^^^ case in point

Good day to you, sir.


I would never claim that Goodness is subjective though.
I think you just can't imagine the fact someone like Ye doesn't think the holo happened, which causes him to have a completely different view of everything.
That's why when he says he loves both jews and nazis it makes sense, I was just hoping for a rational refutation.


You literally no idea of how ignorant you are.


I can help you there: Your question isn't complicated. Absurd, yes. Ridiculous, yes. Worthless, yes. Complicated? Not in the least.


Doesn't look like it, figures at least one person would be able to give a refutation instead of being emotional and saying nothing.


People have refuted your idiocy; you're just ignoring it. I'm bored, why not. . .I'll pile on:

"Do you have an actual refutation for anything he said?"

Sure. He said:
"There was no Holocaust. Factually."
"Hitler invented the microphone."
"Hitler was a talented architect."
"Adidas can't drop me."

Just off the top. So: If you need help "refuting" these, you're too stupid to continue talking to. Good luck to you.


As far as I recall he said about the 6 million number being factually incorrect, not about the event itself. It seems like you and Ye have different opinions on what happened, you should look deeper into why it is so instead of assuming things.

He was incorrect in regards to your 2nd and 4th points, the 3rd is an unknown albeit a bit silly I'm not sure what he is referencing there. So what? Is that really why people are upset because he said something about Adidas and microphones? Doesn't Sennheiser build the best microphones, maybe that's why he said it? Who really cares about such a little thing, but fair enough.

Also, you are the first one to attempt to refute anything here unlike what you stated in the beginning. That was all I was asking for. Congratulations.


LOL: I'll repeat; several people wasted their time on your (clearly ridiculous) question. Keep your congrats; smacking down idiots isn't any great accomplishment.
Again, for the cheap seats: that was a quick, off the top list of just SOME of the clearly incorrect, insane garbage Ye has spouted. Your denials aside, not only are all of them (clearly) wrong, they're the ravings of an entitled, stupid person who's (clearly) off their meds.

The only people defending him/his screeds are people who are similarly mentally-challenged. Period.


“I like Hitler.” Kanye quote.

Do you like Hitler, too? Why are you afraid to answer?


I don't answer questions asked by people who refused to answer my initial question.
It's common courtesy.
Feel free to be a decent human being and answer the initial question before asking your own.


"Do you have an actual refutation for anything he said?"

“I like Hitler.” Kanye quote.

I did. Now, answer my question. Why do you like Hitler?


That's not a refutation. A refutation would be "He said he likes Hitler. Here is why that's a bad thing: (...)"


It's interesting that you can't find anything wrong with Hitler. Do you like swastikas as much as Kanye?


That's not a refutation. Why are you unable to argue the point directly and honestly like I have been doing? You keep deflecting all the time.

Since you are too stupid to have a real conversation, I will have it for you. Here is what you should have said:

"Kanye said he likes Hitler. That's wrong because Hitler did the Holocaust"

In response to which I would have said

"Kanye doesn't think that Hitler did the Holocaust as it is commonly defined, he said the numbers are greatly exaggerated and a lie, therefore that's not a valid reason why he wouldn't be allowed to like Hitler."

The conclusion from our conversation would be that Kanye needs to elaborate his views on the Holocaust and you need to demonstrate to him that it did happen so that he would agree with you that liking Hitler is wrong.

Unfortunately, a rational conversation is impossible with people like you because you have an emotional mental block causing you to keep deflecting asking me if I like Hitler or whatever when that's irrelevant. Noone cares what I like or don't like, we're talking about Ye.


You and Kanye are Holocaust Deniers aka: anti-Semites.

You and Kanye bond over your admiration of Hitler.


"anti-semite", "racist", "nazi", these are words without meaning.

I don't care, noone cares. Next time engage with the arguments.


Bigots' attempt to normalize their hatred by denying terms which accurately describe them.

"anti-semite", "racist", "nazi" = you


Whatever. And?

Ye thinks every person is worthy of love including Hitler. You failed to refute this perspective, you didn't even try. I don't care what you think about me, noone cares. I accept your surrender.


Kanye has disparaged Jewish people, black people and women. And you have used terms like "libtard".

You choose hatred.


Bro you are literally delusional. You are the only person in this whole thread so far to use that term. You think a black rapper is disparaging black people because he says he loves nazis and jews at the same time.

This whole dialectic is above you. Just sit down and listen instead. Try to understand instead of repeating memes you heard somewhere else.


This discussion sounds like the monty python dead parrot one:

"He not dead. He's resting."

I guess SUBJECTIVE view points are all the rage these days


Nothing subjective about defending Hitler.


I think he's just trolling here. No one is this dumb


No, he isn't. He's a typical racist and Anti-Semite according to his past comments.


I can't believe that guy. There's nothing to prove since it is all public. It's already all out there.


"when he says he loves both jews and nazis it makes sense"

He's an anti-Semite which explains his love for Kanye.


If I'm against the italian mafia does that make me anti-Italian?

Your weaponization of words like antisemite and racist reveals you as a dishonest person and has less and less effect on people, to the point celebrities like Ye now make a joke out of it. Keep it up.

Ye believes the event which causes you to believe nazis are evil incarnate didn't happen. He believes you are brainwashed and conditioned to think that way and he is saying he loves all people, including nazis because that's what Christianity is all about. What is it you don't get?


False equivency. You're pro-Hitler - not against him.

You're also repeatedly blathering about white victimization which is common with racists.

You're a racist and neoNazi which I'm sure are badges of honor and pride Kanye, Trump and you.


Are you dumb? The "equivalency" is that there is a Jewish mafia today just like there was an Italian mafia back in the day.

You think you are owning me by calling me a racist and Hitler lover or whatever. I am not those things but I don't care I will wear that badge with honor if you want. Ok I'm a racist and love Hitler. Now what's your argument again? You have nothing, only emotion.




Read his former posts. He's a neo-Nazi and racist. His recent "Jewish mafia" comment = anti-Semite, too.


Why am I stupid? It's unquestionable there is a jewish mafia running things just look at the recent FTX/SBF scandal, that's just one more to add to the pile but we have been conditioned never to criticize them. The same never happened for the Italian mafia. There is nothing "nazi" or "antisemitic" about discussing the power of the jewish mafia, those are just words these people have been brainwashed their whole life to worship and use as weapons against valid criticism.




I accept your surrender.


This black celebrity once infamously said "400 years of slavery......sounds like a choice.

He was wrong, because if people have other choices, no one would choose to be a slave. If this is not obvious to you, chefao, then you need to activate your empathy by putting your feet on other's shoes. Will you choose to be a slave and be treated like an animal? And if you rebel, you'll be punished so severely that you'd rather die? Will you choose to be raped and then someone blames you "being raped for 40 minutes......sounds like a choice "?


I'm not familiar with what he said about slavery, I'm talking in the context of Hitler in the AJ interview just recently. Slavery was bad but not as bad as these victimhood professionals claim anyways.


I’m just trying to figure where’s he going from here. Losing these clothing contracts. He walks out of concerts. Everyone has to be refunded. Now having to pay Kim $2.4M a year for next 15 years or so. He’s burning his bridges everywhere. He’s not going to be able to pay for all his indiscretions. I see him in jail eventually where he will come face to face with the Aryan brothers not to mention the Rollin’ Crips. More $ for protection. Or he’ll find Yesus.


He's mentally ill so I don't think he even cares, or even thinks about, the impact of what he's doing, either to himself or other people, specifically Jews. His mind IMO, just can't go in that direction now, he's too focused on his paranoid delusions.

Edited to add: He's obviously not thinking about the affect his words or actions might be having on his children either. I wouldn't be surprised if Kim asks the court to stop his visitation, at least temporarily.


Not “we”. The Democrat party media does it to distract from the massive failure of their corrupt party who’s running the White House.

Little reminder:

Record inflation
Economy tanking
Pushing for WW3
Ignoring the needs of the American people.

This is what happens when you insert career politicians via rigged elections.


The democrat party are enabling Ye the mentally challenged celeb?
Thats some out there shit man


It sounds like anit of w comedy type thing


What is your primary language?
