MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

That's not a refutation. Why are you unable to argue the point directly and honestly like I have been doing? You keep deflecting all the time. Since you are too stupid to have a real conversation, I will have it for you. Here is what you should have said: "Kanye said he likes Hitler. That's wrong because Hitler did the Holocaust" In response to which I would have said "Kanye doesn't think that Hitler did the Holocaust as it is commonly defined, he said the numbers are greatly exaggerated and a lie, therefore that's not a valid reason why he wouldn't be allowed to like Hitler." The conclusion from our conversation would be that Kanye needs to elaborate his views on the Holocaust and you need to demonstrate to him that it did happen so that he would agree with you that liking Hitler is wrong. Unfortunately, a rational conversation is impossible with people like you because you have an emotional mental block causing you to keep deflecting asking me if I like Hitler or whatever when that's irrelevant. Noone cares what I like or don't like, we're talking about Ye. Are you dumb? The "equivalency" is that there is a Jewish mafia today just like there was an Italian mafia back in the day. You think you are owning me by calling me a racist and Hitler lover or whatever. I am not those things but I don't care I will wear that badge with honor if you want. Ok I'm a racist and love Hitler. Now what's your argument again? You have nothing, only emotion. If I'm against the italian mafia does that make me anti-Italian? Your weaponization of words like antisemite and racist reveals you as a dishonest person and has less and less effect on people, to the point celebrities like Ye now make a joke out of it. Keep it up. Ye believes the event which causes you to believe nazis are evil incarnate didn't happen. He believes you are brainwashed and conditioned to think that way and he is saying he loves all people, including nazis because that's what Christianity is all about. What is it you don't get? That's not a refutation. A refutation would be "He said he likes Hitler. Here is why that's a bad thing: (...)" As far as I recall he said about the 6 million number being factually incorrect, not about the event itself. It seems like you and Ye have different opinions on what happened, you should look deeper into why it is so instead of assuming things. He was incorrect in regards to your 2nd and 4th points, the 3rd is an unknown albeit a bit silly I'm not sure what he is referencing there. So what? Is that really why people are upset because he said something about Adidas and microphones? Doesn't Sennheiser build the best microphones, maybe that's why he said it? Who really cares about such a little thing, but fair enough. Also, you are the first one to attempt to refute anything here unlike what you stated in the beginning. That was all I was asking for. Congratulations. I don't answer questions asked by people who refused to answer my initial question. It's common courtesy. Feel free to be a decent human being and answer the initial question before asking your own. Did you know every single "gas chamber" was built after the war by the soviets? If you believe in a world that is 100% science and 100% reason without any room for ignorance, should you be executed by your own rules? I would never claim that Goodness is subjective though. I think you just can't imagine the fact someone like Ye doesn't think the holo happened, which causes him to have a completely different view of everything. That's why when he says he loves both jews and nazis it makes sense, I was just hoping for a rational refutation. Doesn't look like it, figures at least one person would be able to give a refutation instead of being emotional and saying nothing. Do you know what is a refutation? I'm asking you to show me what is it that he said that was wrong and how it was wrong. Instead you're just screeching and being emotional. You don't have an argument... Ah so if you think someone is "stupid" then it's ok to execute them? Brilliant take there... Somehow you convinced yourself you're the good guy. Is my question really that complicated that people can only answer it with other questions? Yea, I thought so. Funny how there isn't a single person who can rationally refute what he said and it's all just this emotional thing going on. That's so vague it doesn't even mean anything. He is saying he loves all people, including nazis and jews. What does it mean "people with his mindset". If Trump isn't willing to stop being a j servant then who cares. He will become Potus and save the west Do you have any source for your claim that Ye has imprisioned and killed other people? Surely you wouldn't just be talking out of your ass and being purely emotional, right? Take a step back and reflect on why you are so upset. Do you have an actual refutation for anything he said? Or is it that you are the one having a purely emotional response caused by decades of propaganda? You're basically admitting that Ye has the Truth on his side and if people listen to him they will magically become nazis. You are conceding that you don't have an argument, that you are ignorant. Are you able to refute one single thing instead of moralizing? You don't have a real understanding of what Ye means when he uses the word "nazi". You have been propagandized your whole life by movies about this subject. You want to imprison and murder people for disagreeing with you and you think THEY are the hateful ones? lmao get a grip