MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

Yes I care about anti white culture but I'm not losing my mind lol. I think you are just projecting your insecurities and biases. You must do that a lot huh? If you "don't care" why do you keep replying? If they "don't care" why did they make it the central point to change the race? It's not about the race of a person in a movie, it's about the whole charade about making a whole race-reveal drama about it and then pretending you're shocked other people reacted to your manufactured controversy. It doesn't matter if it's "make believe" or not. Just because something is "make believe" doesn't mean whatever you do is a good thing to do. You can't just have transsexual mermaids flashing their dicks at your children on the screen and go "hurr who cares bro it's make believe bro". The whole point of this "race reveal" thing was to create a reaction from white people so you can pretend anyone who notices it is racist. They made it the whole point to do a "race reveal" trailer and then get it trending everywhere so that the POINT OF THIS MOVIE is that the main character is black. Then you go like "omg why is anyone noticing race, are you racists"? You are the evil person here abusing the anti-white hatred normalization in today's world to shit on white people whenever you can. It won't last forever, you reap what you sow. Your initial point was that racial propaganda doesn't matter as long as it's aimed at kids, that's why the Hitler Youth example was brought up. So apparently it matters what we teach to kids doesn't it? Try to keep up dumbass. So as long as it's a kid's movie I can do whatever I want? If you didn't hate or care about race you wouldn't be in favor of replacing races in kids movies in the first place. I guess the Hitler Youth was fine because it was a kids thing so who cares, right? What a stupid point of view, just delete your account you silly person. I've never said anything about "cancel culture". My point has nothing to do with "cancel culture". You are the one who introduced this term for absolutely no reason. Get your head checked. I never said anything about cancel culture I'm talking about anti-white revenge fantasies being enacted little by little. It's funny you talk about me spending my days on moviechat when you have 8x my posts lol lmao No, they don't. Most people think it's closer to 50/50 and that it's racist not to have 50/50 "representation". You sure seem to talk a lot about it for something that is "none of your concern" What does that have to do with anything? I'm not saying they are moral, they have people in positions of power who have been indoctrinated into racial revenge fantasy against whites and see how being anti-white sells so they did this whole charade. Yes you are correct, people's reaction is race motivated but it's that way because the trailer/movie was designed to incite racial division, they did it on purpose like this to get a reaction from white people and free publicity. The whole point of this trailer is about race, that's why they do the "reveal" at the end by showing her to be black. It's just more anti-white bs to add to the list. Disney is just being a race-merchant and people pretend like they did nothing. If you consider being rational cowardly dodging my initial question, then by all means. I don't think you would be very happy if I bought Disney and got rid of all black people there would you? You really think they didn't do this for racial reasons? The whole trailer is designed in order for the "race reveal" at the end, it's the whole point of the thing. You really think they just randomly picked a black girl? You are not being real if you believe that. It's not hyperbole I meant everything I said. If you made Blade a white character it would be a crime against humanity and there would be riots in the streets because their simple formula is that replacing whites is the good moral thing to do. You mention Biden he was talking about this before getting elected saying "whites will be a minority in the future and that's a good thing". Our culture praises the destruction of white people and this is just the latest example to add to a long list. "Just create your own Disney chud" that's what you sound like. I will do whatever the fuck I want and you'll just going to have to deal with it :) Who said anything about outrage or whatever? What do you care about, I can say nothing matters and noone should care about anything. Obviously this isn't the biggest of deals but it's yet another example of anti-white hatred in media, replacing white characters for black ones for no good reason other than racial revenge fantasies. You know white people have daughters too? Shocking I know We live in a anti-white culture. Everything that is non-white needs to have "more representation" and "inclusion" and words like that. Language is used as a tool for war. What these people really mean is they want white people to die. It's that simple. Did you know blacks are less than 15% of the population? Why do they need to be pandered to all the time and be everywhere and their "representation" increased? I think most people have the delusion that it's 50/50 or something. This is an attack on white people it's that simple, but it's just one more to the list that one day hopefully bites you back in the ass. No, I hate it that people like you hate whites so much that you go out of your way to replace white characters with black ones just to create conflict and tension in the world. If you really didn't care about race you wouldn't go out of your way to make it all about race in the first place and replacing white characters for black ones. Imagine if someone took Blade or whatever and made it a white character in a big reveal trailer that then gets praised for having more "white representation". You are evil and your antiwhite hatred needs to be stopped. Based, they are the ones making it about race it's as if someone took Blade and replaced it with a white guy. They mean to antagonize and generate a reaction by people and make it all about race. Evil indeed. Ask the people spewing anti white hatred openly without any consequence what it is. They sure seem to know :)