MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

Laws are a derivation of morality and are basically a way to ban immoral behavior so you're calling any society that has law "fascist". You're just wrong. The majority of people are probably disgusted by this but they have been conditioned not to externalize their opinion so any kind of polls and other ways to measure this are irrelevant until people are free to express their discontent without being subjected to life ruination by activists. This is like getting a poll in NK asking if Kim is the best person ever. Even more important, it doesn't matter what "the majority thinks". Reality is reality. You can call me whatever you like just because you don't like my opinions, I don't care if you label me a fascist and a bigot, that's inconsequential to the point being made. Also the link you posted doesn't address the point of homosexuality being traumatizing for the unsuspecting heterosexual audience at large, that would be something like this that explains how watching gays causes the same response as watching maggots: "The vast majority of people now have sex for pleasure, straight or homosexual." The reason sex evolved to be a pleasurable activity is to incentivize the species to reproduce. When straight people have non-reproductive sex it's still an activity that might lead to reproductive sex in the future so it serves a purpose as it creates an intimate bond between the reproductive couple. Homosexual sex is different in that it can't serve any reproductive function ever and is therefore abnormal. "pedophile claims:" Believe what you want. I don't care to look this up as it grosses me out. Google these days is heavily curated to give you results reflecting a certain ideology so your 5 seconds google search is irrelevant. There are plenty of homos out there admitting to being molested as kids and that trauma being the reason they became gay in the first place. It's disgusting. It really is this simple. If everyone magically turned homosexual over night and we stopped all heterosexual relationships then mankind would die out as there would be no baby making. This fact alone means homosexuality is abnormal and its why we evolved to have a disgust response to it. Instead of you respecting my disgust response, you revel in shoving your deviant sexuality in everyone's faces for whatever reason instead of keeping it private. You can laugh at me for doing nothing about it and just complaining but one day in the future when you are being thrown out of rooftops (it is inevitable btw) may you remember this moment when you had the upper hand and could have done the right thing and remember that you deserve it. "insisting it be banned makes you a fascist." No it doesn't, there are plenty of things that are banned that have nothing to do with fascism. And so what if I said I was a fascist you think you win and that's the end of the argument? That's a very dishonest argument, the same way you call others fascist in order to end the argument I could do the same in reverse and call you a pedo. What's the point? "Gay people existing, or gay people being depicted in a TV show does not harm your civil liberties. Rape being wrong has nothing whatsoever to do with if anyone is forced to watch it or not." Yes it does, depictions of homosexuality are traumatizing to the unsuspecting audience and are wrong. I wouldn't have a problem if this show had a disclaimer saying it was a homo show so I would know to avoid it but you have the directors themselves saying they wanted to "trick" people into watching homo stuff and that's wrong. Simple as. "And how are people currently being oppressed?" If you speak out against these things in public you have your life destroyed by lgbt activists. Censorship in big tech platforms is also very high against people with those opinions. What you just did, labeling me a fascist or a nazi is basically giving a signal to others to ruin my life because I'm "evil". That is exponentially worse if you're a public person, doxxed and unable to get a job because of people like you. "Christian TV shows and films are an imposition on me because they're trying to "normalise" Christianity" Christian philosophy is the most relevant source of moral values in western civilization for many centuries, this is true regardless of you being a Christian or not. This means these values are already normal and taken for granted even by atheists. You can't erase historical context. But sure you can say it is an imposition I'm wondering what about jewish values are you allowed to talk about that? You know the authors pushing homo/pedo stuff are disproportionately jewish? "Whose lives am I trying to control?" Everyone's. Mass media is a way to shape public opinion, by pushing homo acceptance ideology in these mass media, you are trying to normalize this behavior (they call it "representation"). "How am I telling you to "sit down and accept this"? " You're telling me that I shouldn't voice my opposition to this while calling me a fascist. Look in the mirror dude. "You are free not to watch it." So? You're free not to watch people being raped, does that mean you shouldn't speak out against rape? Pointless. "What you're proposing is to ban it." Not really, I'm just saying it's wrong and we shouldn't accept it. Whether or not it should be banned is up to debate, I don't think there's a need to ban it if the oppression of those who are against it ceases. "What values of mine am I imposing on you?" Normalization of deviant behaviors. "sex is also a natural aspect of reality" The natural aspect of sex is that it serves as a reproductive function, leading to the formation of families. Deviant fetishes are abnormal. "Mine is to do with child abuse. Yours is "i dun like it" You are aware that homos are disproportionately more likely to be pedos right? These sexual deviancies go hand in hand. <blockquote>Why should you get to control the lives of other people?</blockquote> Why should You? You're acting as if I should just sit down and accept this, why don't YOU sit down and accept the reverse? That's just a dishonest argument, whoever is in charge of the media is already by definition "controlling the lives of other people". The question is what to do with such control, not if it exists. <blockquote>This is completely incomparable to public street displays of nudity.</blockquote> You know I brought up the example of public nudity because you asked something akin to "why should anything be controlled" to which I'm giving you different examples of things that are controlled. I'm sure you understand the original point/context of this comparison, you claimed there should be no limits to art but apparently you seem to have a problem with me artistically showing my dick in public. <blockquote>You are a fascist.</blockquote> You are imposing your values on others. If they reject your values they are "fascists"? If that's what a fascist is, sign me up. <blockquote>So a TV show is somehow comparable to public displays of nudity?</blockquote> The point was not to simply compare them as a whole, as you know. You asked why do I have a negative opinion on the "art" others want to make, the answer is because I say so. <blockquote>Surely by your logic you're also against violence on TV</blockquote> The glorification of violence can be a problem but depictions of violence by itself is not something I have a problem with, no. Violence is a natural aspect of reality. The state exists to determine what is lawful violence. Sexual deviant fetishes are not a natural aspect of reality and I'm against their normalization as it will lead to a dysfunctional society. <blockquote>Your opinion here is the desolate minority.</blockquote> Who cares? Truth is Truth. You draw the line at pedos I draw it at gays. We're not so different. Because I say it's a bad thing. The same way walking in public with your dick out is a bad thing. I don't start asking what business is it of mine whether someone wants their penis in public display or not. You're asking what business is it of mine to have my own opinion, the answer is because I say so. What business is it of theirs to push sexual deviancy into the public space? Should we just allow anything to be pushed out to the masses and call it "art"? Should pedo depictions be "art"? Do you draw the line at any point? I'm saying homosexuality itself is a sexual deviancy/fetish that should be kept in the shadows instead of being promoted as normal in the media. Whatever tactics they used in order to promote it on this specific episode are irrelevant. Money is one factor but the power to shape public opinion and culture so that the world agrees with your ideology is another. That power is the reason for making money (after a certain level) in the first place. There is a new gay porno coming out soon. Maybe you should watch it after this. And? hanniball hell on wheels peaky blinders spartacus If you want moderation go back to imdb. To make you gay The only "review bombing" that is happening is gays voting 10 just because it's gay. What do you call reverse review bombing? If pushing sexually deviant fetishes everywhere is your definition of "progress" then your "progress" is a bad thing that needs to be stopped. "If you drink wine and know how to cook you must be gay" That's your brain on jewish media If you don't want to talk politics that's fine but you're the one who engaged with me on a topic related to politics lol so of course I'm going to keep going, I like to debate politics. I'm more than happy to keep discussing this but if you don't want to that's fine. For example, the reason he would be better than Biden is that he doesn't have his family tied to some shady corrupt businesses in Ukraine in which (by pure coincidence I'm sure lmao) we now have a war hurting the whole world. Having experience as a crook politician is a negative thing. Yes I would rather have a cashier instead of a dentist that was shown to be incompetent and cause permanent nerve damage on the people he operated in the past. At least the cashier will tell me he doesn't really know wtf he's doing and that I should just brush more often instead. Then stop wondering why people treat you with contempt in your life when you want others to give you answers to your questions but you're unwilling to return the kindness. The answer is yes. Now will you answer mine? Bro you are literally delusional. You are the only person in this whole thread so far to use that term. You think a black rapper is disparaging black people because he says he loves nazis and jews at the same time. This whole dialectic is above you. Just sit down and listen instead. Try to understand instead of repeating memes you heard somewhere else.