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TMC-4's Replies

I just thought about this the other day, I wonder if they wanted to keep the same flavor as the Tim Burton movies, how would a a live-action Batman movie directed by Henry Selick be like? Selick collaborated with Tim Burton on The Nightmare Before Christmas. [url][/url] Tom Green now that I think about it, seemed to be a case Drew Barrymore, who he was engaged to at the time, making a push to put him on the show. [url][/url] [url],Green%20was%20never%20that%20funny.[/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] When I first came across this, I immediately expected that Steve Seagal would be at the very top. Lorne Michaels even said on air (I think when Nicolas Cage hosted) that Seagal was the biggest jerk to ever host SNL up until that point. I'm surprised that Chevy Chase wasn't listed, given that his the only one who could plausibly compete if not surpass Steven Seagal in "assholery". The final straw (which lead to Chase to finally be banned from ever hosting again) was when he slapped Cheri Oteri in the back of the head and Will Ferrell told Lorne Michaels about it. [url][/url] [url][/url] I was also expecting Martin Lawrence to be on the list just for his infamous monologue (where he apparently went off-script to discuss feminine hygiene) alone resulting in him getting banned. Replace Nicole Behaire's name with Kim Basinger's in the following message below and the similarities immediately line-up, especially the parts concerning being very introverted and anti-social not being good for having a successful, long-lasting career in Hollywood: [url][/url] [quote]Being called 'difficult' in Hollywood is the kiss of death for your career. A lot of successful actresses/actor's have their careers because they knew how to mesh with the cast and crew. Film environments require you to be collaborative. They'd save their attitude for when they were at home because they can always be replaced by someone else. You are a Z list actress and you don't like the way your outfit looks on you? You don't think the script is good enough? Fine. Let's find out what one of the 1200 other actresses that wanted this role thinks about that. Once you are at Tom Cruise, Anne Hathaway, Will Smith, etc. level, you can be difficult and it won't matter because your name alone brings multi-millions at the box office. You have the power. If you are not in that lane and you want a long career, do not be anti-social. Nicole is clearly an introvert and that Arsenio interview was cringefully awkward. She's an actress, so she should've been able to at least pretend she was excited. Her behavior was very uncomfortable and doesn't read well for a viewer. If she's that obvious about her discomfort in a talk show, I can only imagine what she's like on a production set. That being said, Hollywood is racist, but I can totally see how Nicole would inadvertently sabotage her own career.[/quote] [url][/url] [b]109. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 01/12 **11**[/b] [url][/url] Fame: Back in the 90's, a screenwriter and his writing partner had a meeting at the home of this married A+ list mostly movie actor (Kevin Costner). He is permanently A list now, but back when this happened was arguably the biggest actor on the planet, even if the one named singer (Madonna) didn't seem to care for him much. The two writers are let inside, and wait near the front entrance. After a while, our actor comes down the stairs, wearing only a bathrobe and nothing beneath. He talks to them, takes a copy of the script, and discusses some story points. While they're chatting, two blonde models, wearing next to nothing, walk down the stairs. Our actor doesn't really acknowledge them. They walk out the front door. The actor keeps chatting. A car pulls up out the front. The screenwriters hear car doors open and shut, and the car driving off. They keep talking to the actor. While they're chatting, two new women, both of whom look like models, walk into the front door. They walk past the actor and the screenwriters, and up the stairs. Our actor, still wearing his bathrobe, says to the guys, "Okay, thanks for all this, I'll see you at the next meeting in a week or two", and walks back up the stairs following the women. The two screenwriters let themselves out, and walk off to their car. [i]Kevin Costner/Madonna[/i] [url][/url] [b]96. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 01/11 **9**[/b] [url][/url] In addition to being beaten by her husband, this former A/A- list dual threat actress all of you know who got started as a teen, learned her husband spent all of her money. She is broke. [i]hristina Ricci/James Heerdegen (This Is Why Christina Ricci Filed For Divorce)[/i] [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]One of the reasons Molly Ringwald doesn't work much because people can't stand her. I remember she did an off-Broadway play about 16 yrs ago w/ Jason Biggs and Craig Bierko and the entire cast and crew hated her. They celebrated when she left the cast. —Anonymous reply 50 Last Thursday at 11:56 PM[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]Being called 'difficult' in Hollywood is the kiss of death for your career. A lot of successful actresses/actor's have their careers because they knew how to mesh with the cast and crew. Film environments require you to be collaborative. They'd save their attitude for when they were at home because they can always be replaced by someone else. You are a Z list actress and you don't like the way your outfit looks on you? You don't think the script is good enough? Fine. Let's find out what one of the 1200 other actresses that wanted this role thinks about that. Once you are at Tom Cruise, Anne Hathaway, Will Smith, etc. level, you can be difficult and it won't matter because your name alone brings multi-millions at the box office. You have the power. If you are not in that lane and you want a long career, do not be anti-social. Nicole is clearly an introvert and that Arsenio interview was cringefully awkward. She's an actress, so she should've been able to at least pretend she was excited. Her behavior was very uncomfortable and doesn't read well for a viewer. If she's that obvious about her discomfort in a talk show, I can only imagine what she's like on a production set. That being said, Hollywood is racist, but I can totally see how Nicole would inadvertently sabotage her own career.[/quote] Did a 1996 Simpsons episode predict the U.S. Capitol Takeover? [url][/url] Another episode of the Fox animated series has been credited with predicting the events of last week. Top Gun: Maverick Is Right To Drop Charlie [url][/url] Top Gun: Maverick may drop Cruise’s love interest Charlie, but there’s a good reason for the change and it’s the right choice for the movie to make. The thing with Kim Basinger is that she pretty much has a decidedly dainty, sometimes placid acting style. I said elsewhere that Liv Tyler is another actress that I'm immediately aware of that arguably specializes in that style of acting. Being dainty and easily startled by her surroundings somehow clashes with who we're told Vicki was (a 3rd world, warzone photojournalist) right at the start. You can legitimately make a drinking game over the amount of times that Kim Basinger screams or gasps in this movie. I get that Vicki Vale is supposed to be a stand-in for the audience, but I sometimes wish that Tim Burton would've reigned Kim in so that her acting wouldn't cross into self-parody. [b]Nicole Beharie (Sleepy Hollow, Miss Juneteeth, Black Mirror, etc.) is apparently an awful person[/b] [url][/url] Ralph Macchio, who turns 60 this year, blames his parents for his "young gene" [url][/url] "They both look very young for their age," says Macchio. "I have a youthful energy about me for some reason. A healthy lifestyle doesn't hurt. But I think I've just gotten lucky in the gene department." Why Michael Keaton's Batman Beyond Movie Needs To Happen [url][/url] Halloween 5: Why Rachel Carruthers' Death Was A Missed Opportunity [url][/url] Halloween 4 introduced fan favorite supporting character Rachel Carruthers, only to abruptly kill her off in Halloween 5, a real missed opportunity. DCEU's Batman Explained: Will Michael Keaton Replace Ben Affleck? [url][/url] The future of Batman in the DCEU has gotten a bit confusing with both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton now in the role. Here's what we know so far. Bonnie Bedelia is another alternative option that I recently thought of. If you look at photos of her around the time that she made Die Hard, she (at least in my eyes) does kind of resemble Christa McAuliffe. [url][/url] [url][/url] Why Ben Affleck & Michael Keaton Can Both Be The DCEU's Batman [url][/url] [quote]Ezra Miller’s version of The Flash made a cameo in The CW’s The Flash during the Arrowverse’s Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, which confirmed the co-existence of WB’s DC movies and TV shows within the multiverse. The Flash movie will tackle the Flashpoint storyline from DC Comics, which sees the titular character time traveling to change his mother’s death in the past. His actions change the course of history, and he wakes up in an altered timeline where Thomas Wayne (and not Bruce) is Batman, and Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war with each other. While it’s unclear how Flashpoint will be adapted to the big screen or how Keaton and Affleck’s characters will factor into the film, it’s possible The Flash will establish both versions of Batman in the DCEU. Reports of Keaton permanently taking over the role from Affleck after the film’s release turned out to be false. That leaves the door open for both actors to continue playing Batman in future DCEU films without it being an issue to the multiverse’s continuity. Both versions are valid and will likely bring something different to the table. At the moment, Affleck doesn’t seem interested in returning to the DCEU after The Flash, and Keaton isn’t getting his own set of Batman movies on the side. Theoretically, however, Affleck could reprise his role while Keaton plays another Earth’s Batman. There’s no telling what’s in store for the future of the Dark Knight in all his forms. Either way, the fact there will be two versions of the DCEU Batman at the same time is pretty cool. Keaton and Affleck bring such unique personalities to the role and their individual takes on the same character will thankfully not lead to the erasure of the other. The storytelling possibilities are endless. [/quote] The last time that I checked, this is a message board, not Google! Why are you here then if you don't want to answer the question!? Saying "just Google it" is the most patronizing thing you could ever tell a person. If I already knew, then I probably wouldn't bother starting such a thread in the very first place. The Karate Kid Part II's Tamlyn Tomita had Cobra Kai meet several conditions before reprising her Kumiko role [url][/url] “I said I would love to, this would be so fun, but the only caveat is that because I’m older, because I’m a little bit more knowledgeable and I’m going to fight for it anyway — I need to be able to inject a truer picture of Okinawa,” says Tomita in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, which adds: "Born in Okinawa to a Japanese American father and an Okinawan Filipina mother and raised in the San Fernando Valley, she brought parts of her heritage to the wiser Kumiko of Cobra Kai and lent her own cultural items to the Atlanta set."