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TMC-4's Replies

[url][/url] [b]181. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 01/19 **11**[/b] [url][/url] Confessions: This former pro athlete/entertainer (Marty Jannetty) got into a spot of self caused trouble this past summer, by confessing to a crime. A serious crime. Later, he said he was joking. Then he gave an interview where he appeared to confess to it again and that everyone should be grateful he committed the crime. In the past, he confessed to wanting to have sex with the woman he raised as a daughter. He then said he had been hacked, but then later admitted he did want to have sex with her and indicated they had done everything but had sex up to that point. A person who knows this former athlete/entertainer says not only did they have sex, but there is at least one recording of it. This friend also says the confessed to crime did actually occur and it was someone that molested the athlete/entertainer and was related to him. [i]Marty Jannetty (WWE legend claims publicly confessing to brutal murder of a gay man was part of an elaborate wrestling storyline)[/i] I think that Tom Green was at the time, being painted as pretty much the Andy Kaufman of the new millennium. The difference is there was charm and subtlety with Kaufman's schtick. [url][/url] Somebody wrote in the top link that I posted that the main problem with Tom Green was overexposure. He was pushed and pushed on people in this 2-year period, likely even more than he may have wanted. He was a niche comedian at a time that the industry was forcing niche comedians to try to appeal to a youth market. [url][/url] I'm not talking about the 80s and 90s and talking about today, in the year 2021. Don't blame Javicia Leslie for Batwoman's disappointing viewership [url][/url] On Monday, The Wrap was criticized by some for comparing Leslie's debut with Ruby Rose's debut, with a since-deleted tweet saying that Leslie's debut "can't hold a candle to Ruby Rose's" and pointing out that Batwoman ratings plunged 80%. As Princess Weekes notes, "Batwoman’s first season had the new shiny allure of being a new show, but it was never a critical darling, getting slapped in the first season for bad acting and other things. So, to have the show go through the effort to actually hire an actress with range, and then putting all the pressure on that actress is a bit slimy, because Javicia Leslie is the one coming aboard a rocky ship." [url][/url] [quote]This week’s Sliders features special guest Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund and borrows ideas from the many “robots gone bad” sci fi stories, most notably Blade Runner and I, Robot. [url][/url] His robo-girlfriend Erica is certainly more convincing as a robot, in that Blade-Runner-sort-of-“I’m-a-robotic-adolescent-unable-to-control-my-urges” kind of chilling way. But when they’re paired together, the tone is wrong. They’re mashing up in a way that doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t read as “differing make of model” or some sort of fanwank-y kind of reasoning. It reads as one actor at least making an attempt at robotics and another either not even bothering because it’s too hard, or (and I’m guessing this is closer to what it really is) he’s being actively directed not to seem too Alien, so we (as an audience/key demographic) can fall in love with him easier. [url][/url] Second, sci-fi has also done the "people turned into robots by the mad scientist" thing often, and there are a lot of parallels here to "The Black Hole" and "Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday". Though this story does it well, I think the chief conflict with the mad scientist was better in those other two stories. [url][/url] The Sliders production staff includes Melinda Snodgrass, whom I mentioned in my review of The Dream Masters was the writer of one of the only early Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes worth watching — “The Measure of a Man.” And surprise surprise! It deals with the very issues that should be running amok in this episode. Instead of Arturo and Wade having a trite debate about what makes a person, they should be cramming scene after scene of it down my throat.[/quote] The plot to State of the ART you could say, is a mixture of Blade Runner, I, Robot, The Black Hole, the Doctor Who story Four to Doomsday, and the Star Trek: TNG episode The Measure of a Man: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] It also bares similarities to the Star Trek: TOS episode What Are Little Girls Made Of: [url][/url] Ken Jennings proved this week he should be Alex Trebek's successor as Jeopardy! host [url][/url] Jennings was "perfectly fine" as the first interim host of the post-Trebek era, says Kevin Fallon. "For those of us reeling and skeptical in the wake of Trebek’s absence, that’s a ringing endorsement. He basically is doing an approximation of Alex. He’s not yet as articulate, nimble or effortless. He’s starting to pepper in those Trebekisms, little asides and explanations for why things were wrong. But he’s still missing the ease. How can you be authoritative and wily at once? It’s why the word singular exists, and why it’s used to describe Alex. Jennings needs to be more present. He’s nervous! It’s understandable, and there’s a learning curve that should be allowed to get over that." Justice League Investigation Recording Proves Ray Fisher Backed Up His Claims [url][/url] Ray Fisher's newest escalation in his war against Warner Bros. includes a recording from the Justice League investigation backing up his credibility. [url][/url] [b]133. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 01/15 **1**[/b] [url][/url] I guess this A list late night host with the drinking problem should have been nicer to his head writer. Once she bailed on him, his ratings have crashed to the point that replacements for the host are being considered. [i]Jimmy Fallon/Rebecca Drysdale (‘The Tonight Show’ Head Writer Rebecca Drysdale Exits, Also Says She’ll ‘Never Work on Another Trump Sketch’) (‘The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’ Plummets to Fourth-Lowest Ratings Ever)[/i] [url][/url] [quote]There’s also the fact that Bavier seems to have been suffering from one or more mental illnesses over the course of her life. She never married, her on-set behavior was occasionally quite disruptive, and she was apparently an animal hoarder near the end. She died alone in her home several days after being released from the hospital at age 86.[/quote] While not a movie from the '80s, Miami Vice with Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas also falls in line here. Carrie Bradshaw’s world no longer exists, nor does her sexual landscape [url][/url] The Sex and the City revival will only highlight the show's flaws, says Princess Weekes. "When I look at the fact that Gossip Girl, Dexter, True Blood, Pretty Little Liars, The Sopranos, and Sex and the City are all coming back, it just feels so utterly disappointing," says Weekes. "We have worked so hard to create organizations and production companies that are trying to make new, inclusive content, and we are just making … the same things. We already watched how Netflix’s Gilmore Girls revival only served to highlight issues that the show had with race, body issues, sexuality, class, etc., because despite the love people have for the series, it doesn’t need to continue or have a place today." Sex and the City reboot will have to avoid being out of touch in wake of the pandemic [url][/url] "This is not a great moment for a series about three upper-middle-class, white, post-feminist women partying their way through a city even they shouldn’t be able afford—amid an economic climate where the conspicuous consumption of thousand-dollar shoes calls to mind the excesses of Marie Antoinette, to say nothing of the damage our current global health crisis has done to the sex lives of single New Yorkers," says Judy Berman. "To have any chance of relevance in 2021, Sex and the City would need to lean hard on 60-year-old Samantha Jones as she navigated the increasingly app-based, gender-fluid, kink-savvy dating scene she helped to bring about. Better still, the show’s producers could have heeded some of their character’s wisest words: 'What happened was in the past. Leave it there.'" I'm sure that Will gets this a lot, but it freaks me out how much he looks like his dad. I think that he's now about the same age that Christopher Reeve was when he made the first Superman movie. Will could literally turn into Clark Kent if you put a pair of glasses on him. [url][/url] SUPERMAN 5 -The Christopher Reeve Sequel That Never Was... [url][/url] [quote]This is the first of four videos about cancelled Superman movies I'll be uploading in the next few days. The next one will be a deep dive into the history of 'Superman Reborn' to 'Superman Lives', followed by J.J Abrams' 'Superman' Codenamed 'Flyby' and then the story of the Wolfgang Peterson's cancelled 'Batman Vs Superman: World's Finest'.[/quote] [b]Ray Fisher (Cyborg) details racism and gaslighting while working on Justice League after being fired[/b] [url][/url] He got fired from THE FLASH because DC Films president was trying to shut him up about the racism, discrimination and such that was PROVEN by investigation during Justice League: [url][/url] [url][/url] I just thought about this the other day, I wonder if they wanted to keep the same flavor as the Tim Burton movies, how would a a live-action Batman movie directed by Henry Selick be like? Selick collaborated with Tim Burton on The Nightmare Before Christmas. [url][/url] Tom Green now that I think about it, seemed to be a case Drew Barrymore, who he was engaged to at the time, making a push to put him on the show. [url][/url] [url],Green%20was%20never%20that%20funny.[/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] When I first came across this, I immediately expected that Steve Seagal would be at the very top. Lorne Michaels even said on air (I think when Nicolas Cage hosted) that Seagal was the biggest jerk to ever host SNL up until that point. I'm surprised that Chevy Chase wasn't listed, given that his the only one who could plausibly compete if not surpass Steven Seagal in "assholery". The final straw (which lead to Chase to finally be banned from ever hosting again) was when he slapped Cheri Oteri in the back of the head and Will Ferrell told Lorne Michaels about it. [url][/url] [url][/url] I was also expecting Martin Lawrence to be on the list just for his infamous monologue (where he apparently went off-script to discuss feminine hygiene) alone resulting in him getting banned.