MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Christopher Reeve's son, an ABC News rep...

Christopher Reeve's son, an ABC News reporter, accidentally goes pantsless on GMA

Will Reeve's bare right leg appeared on national TV this morning after Good Morning America reduced the size of its graphics banner at the bottom of the screen. Reeve, the 27-year-old only child of the late Christopher and Dana Reeve, later tweeted of the glitch: "I have ARRIVED* ...*in the most hilariously mortifying way possible."


Accidental my ass


I'm sure that Will gets this a lot, but it freaks me out how much he looks like his dad. I think that he's now about the same age that Christopher Reeve was when he made the first Superman movie. Will could literally turn into Clark Kent if you put a pair of glasses on him.
