The movie dull but...

The technicolor is magnificent. Really sharp vibrant and saturated.


The story line is dull but the musical numbers are great. Great songs, great singers, great choreography, great dancing. and as you say, great technicolor. With the advent of fast forward, this has become one of my favorite movies of all time.


Its a great movie to DVR, because you can just watch the musical numbers.

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


I'm now watching this Jerome Kern bio flick on TCM and I'm only a third of the way through. Call me jaded. Call me cynical. Call me whatever you want. But when I watched that scene where Kern is saying goodbye to little Sally Kessler, all kinds of Amber Alerts went up.

Now I'm not saying that the Kern character is a child predator. But when little Sally was sitting mighty close to Kern while he was waxing romantic about his missing her, I kinda felt this was an awkward way to advance the narrative.

Maybe times were a lot more innocent back in the forties, and I get it. But if that scene were filmed just like that today, the right wing mouthbreathers would be having a "boat load" of ridiculous apoplectic attacks.


"Now I'm not saying that the Kern character is a child predator. But when little Sally was sitting mighty close to Kern while he was waxing romantic about his missing her, I kinda felt this was an awkward way to advance the narrative."

That says a lot more about you than about anyone else.

