MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > What's the point in making intentionally...

What's the point in making intentionally bad films?



To have fun?


for entertainment


There is no redeemable reason for making a film that's "intentionally bad": it's merely a last resort for unoriginal filmmakers looking to cash in on a niche market (*coughTHEROOMcough*).

If you're asking this in reference to 'The Toxic Avenger', I don't think "intentional badness" was what the film was going for. Intentional CAMP and intentional CORNINESS, yes, but not intentional "badness". Toxie's just a bad movie that happens to be amazingly entertaining and funny in spite of and because of such.


I have long believed that you cannot fully appreciate great treasure without also appreciating great trash. The films of Lloyd Kaufman fall under the category of great trash. For all of the zero dollar production values and sick sense of humor there is a sense of social commentary to a great many of these movies.

They can also provide a training ground for young filmmakers and actors (Roger Corman's productions are famous for training Francis Ford Coppola, James Cameron, Ron Howard, Jonathan Demme, Kathryn Bigelow, John Sayles and many more for example.) And it can be fun to watch their early works to see their development as filmmakers.


The Room is very much an unintentionally bad movie.

Couldn't be the masterpiece that it is if Wiseau was intentionally trying to make a bad movie. It can't be done.


Well, there exists this thing called 'humor'...


"Intentionally bad" is kind of a misnomer: movies labelled as such are typically well-made, good movies that have all the trappings and absurdity of a bad movie, generally played for humor. Troma is infamous for this, partly because such movies are simple to make on a very low budget.



Very well said. Excellent post.


Ask M Night Shamalan



They can be fun sometimes.
