Maleficent's Replies

I like Anna the Stutterer and Olga With the One Short Leg--the one that had the special shoe made for her by Jesus of Walnut Grove. Oh yeah--and Ma's hot piece of handyman ass/lil' Gracie's pa, good ol' Uncle Chris. πŸ˜‹ He was real easy on the eyes... πŸ‘€ Too bad they couldn't have found a permanent place for him in Walnut Grove. Like maybe as the go-to guy who takes care of those little jobs around the house that the town women's husbands just can't seem to get done... πŸ˜‰ Good point. Everything's supposedly bigger there, sooooooo..... πŸ˜… Always love me some Pa titties...mmm! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ Sorry---can't help it... πŸ˜‚πŸ™„ *hanging head in shame* ☺️☺️☺️ Hey! Glad to see you too! 😁 I haven't been on in a few months, and I was in a LHOTP mood so I wanted to see if anyone's posted new stuff. Happy that there are some new people here. I'll have to check in more often--there's some hilarious stuff I've missed! I'll try and come up with some new little prairie topics to make fun of... πŸ˜… Good to be back! πŸ˜‰ Seriously! Me too. If nothing else, it's highly entertaining for anyone with a good sense of humor. 😁 I remember he was on Bonanza too. I think the teen magazines at the time tried to make Mitch Vogel, the actor who played him, into a teen heartthrob. πŸ™„πŸ˜³ Don't think it really worked, tho... I met him once when I was a kid at Knotts Berry Farm just shopping & hanging around some stores at the amusement park. Not my type, but he was a real nice guy in person. 😊 The last paragraph...OMG. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Especially the part about the ginormous nips---ROFLMO What a drag that would be! That's the best part of this topic!! It would totally suck if we couldn't joke about it. I actually really love the show, but there are just too many things about it just begging to b made fun of to ignore. πŸ˜… Oh--I totally understand!! I always LMAO reading the LHOTP threads. 😁 I haven't been on here in a while, but I wanted a good laugh and had to check in to see what's been going on. I hope you are feeling okay--I have days like that too. Hope this place continues to be a source of enjoyment for you. 😊 πŸ˜‚ Oh--I saw that!!!😁 I love ❀️ that whole place over there. Lots of discussion about Mary leaving her baby πŸ‘Ά to be used as a battering ram when the mline school was on fire...sad, but since that never happened in real life, I don't feel that bad about the twisted jokes. Especially since Landon had warped sense of humor as well. 😜 He must have to have written episodes like that... πŸ˜‹ OMG--for sure!! πŸ˜‚ I remember that episode of "Family Guy"--that would be perfect! πŸ‘Œ "Shut up bitch, you'll wake up Pa" ROFLMAO πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh--that's right! LOL!!! He was that kid on the train--or was that Bobby Brady?! Meh---I know it was one of them... Sure! As far as I can tell, that's fine. πŸ˜€ Okay, seriously, this thread needs to be bumped. Either that, or I could just go ahead and start a new one about Carrie and why she REALLY spends all that time in the outhouse...🚽 Better yet, couldn't Michael Landon have just written a whole episode for her on this--exploring the issue of Carrie exploring herself?! πŸ˜œπŸ˜… "The Littlest Masturbator In Walnut Grove". Or perhaps "Masturbation, Prairie Style". Would have made more sense than the LSD-trip episode of Carrie with the giant strawberries πŸ“ and hallucinatory friend. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Dear God. Now I HAVE to go over and post some fun stuff in the masturbation thread... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Especially since none of the "decent" people over at IMDB bothered to make it over here, according to our sanctimonious friend. πŸ˜‚ That's probably a good move on their part--if you can't stand the heat, time to get off the prairie. πŸ˜… Personally, I rather like being counted amongst the indecent on this forum... πŸ˜‰ Seriously, I needed a laugh, and I really should thank TazMoose for that hilarious rant. πŸ˜… (I'm totally serious--I have a deeply disturbing sense of humor, and I laughed so hard I re-read it three times... 😹) I find it particularly odd that, for someone not wanting to follow the rest of us degenerates over here--POOF! πŸ’¨Good ol' Taz shows up right when we mentioned his/her/its name. Kinda' like unintentionally invoking Satan πŸ‘Ή... VOILA! πŸ‘» πŸ˜… Oh, and Wonton--no need to fret about me blocking anyone and screwing up this thread. Au contraire, my friend--I actually look forward to reading Taz's soliloquies/diatribes/whatever. Why would I block free entertainment on here?! πŸ˜„ Well, I'm off now over to the masturbation thread... πŸ™€πŸ˜œπŸ˜… In honor of all the easily offended, I feel like it's my civic duty to try and revive that one too... πŸ˜‹ "Hi-ho,'s off to masturbate I go..." Thanks! 😁Checked out Albert's Twitter--I see what you mean!! πŸ˜‚ Kinda' raw, but--meh. Nothing anyone posts online really ever shocks/disturbs me any more. But I can understand why he'd get fed up with some of the Puritanical posters here who reported everything to the mods---mainly the whiney-ass crybabies with no sense of humor who couldn't deal with anyone making a comment that didn't jive with their Disney-esque view of the universe. There was one on here--I think the name is TazMoose or something--who got upset if anyone made fun of the storylines, characters, etc. like they were "bullying" real living people. Half of those characters on the show were products of Michael Landon's imagination. Weird how someone can get their panties in a wad over that, but there ya' go... πŸ˜„ I never knew that! Thanks for explaining--I also wondered about Bunny's 🐰 origins. (You're right--Bunny's a questionable name for a male 🐴!! 😁) ROFLMFAO. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I know---this is archived, but seriously...I just can't stop laughing... πŸ˜†