Who smelled worse?

Mr. Edwards or Bunny the horse?

It's close, but I have to vote for Edwards.


This one's one of my favorites. Check out Albert Ingalls reply πŸ˜€


AHAHAHA! OMG--agree!!! I always LOVED Mr. Edwards! But yeah--he HAD to have smelled worse than everyone at times. Or at least before he met Grace---she must have kinda' made him bathe once in a while. 😊


Hey--do you know where Albert Ingalls went? Is he around here someplace? Because his posts are hilarious! Would be cool if we could get him over here. πŸ™‚


Yes, he's on twitter now Maleficent. I still follow him, but haven't invited him over here. I got the general impression that he was fed up with message boards following the closing of IMDB. And actually, I did invite him over here back when IMDB was still up. I also gave him the links to the other popular replacement sites, but he never replied.

Proceed with caution. He's a little more raunchy over there then he was at IMDB πŸ˜€



Thanks! 😁Checked out Albert's Twitter--I see what you mean!! πŸ˜‚ Kinda' raw, but--meh. Nothing anyone posts online really ever shocks/disturbs me any more. But I can understand why he'd get fed up with some of the Puritanical posters here who reported everything to the mods---mainly the whiney-ass crybabies with no sense of humor who couldn't deal with anyone making a comment that didn't jive with their Disney-esque view of the universe.

There was one on here--I think the name is TazMoose or something--who got upset if anyone made fun of the storylines, characters, etc. like they were "bullying" real living people. Half of those characters on the show were products of Michael Landon's imagination. Weird how someone can get their panties in a wad over that, but there ya' go... πŸ˜„


β€œThere was one on here--I think the name is TazMoose or something--who got upset if anyone made fun of the storylines, characters, etc. like they were "bullying" real living people.”

Exactly Maleficent. The thing that cracked me up is that they whined incessantly about how inappropriate everyone else's posts were, and how no one ever participated in any clean discussions, but other than posting to complain, they never participated in any of these discussions either. It's funny, but out of all the people at IMDB that I ever put on ignore, almost all of them were the whining pro-censorship crybabies, not the trolls that they always accused everyone else of being.

Gawd, I hope like hell that one jackass never shows up here. Fortunately if he does, we now have the block feature. But it's brand new and has a few bugs still, so you really don't want to use it unless you have to. One member tried to block someone, and it ended blocking everyone in that thread 😨


Who would want to show up here? There's like 3 of you trying to keep a conversation going by wanting to continue bashing and making rude jokes. Have a ball! I assure you this will be my one and only post here so no need to block (tho feel free to if you wish). I just checked in out of curiosity to see if any from imdb made it over via the link you were so heavily promoting. It's actually heartening to see like only 3 did. The decent people maybe were smart enough to stay away from the likes of you and maybe your other trolls have given some consideration to their actions and actually decided they were able to cut some negativity out of their life. Good for them - I wish them well. Obviously you were NOT able to break your habit as you were like a madman in the wee hours of imdb trying to beg everyone to come over here. And all your posts here have just been a continuation of your whining and name calling and inappropriate crap. Have fun! You two can go right ahead and post back and forth for hours talking about whether the kids on the show masturbated and how many people Caroline had sex with and how Charles was a moron, and how the decent people that didn't care for that kind of stuff being posted nonstop are actually the bullies and that YOU are the righteous ones and so awesome because you're not "puritanical" or "prudes" or whatever word you think fits! Go for it! Have fun. :) As stated, this will be my only post and I will not be reading your replies. I wish you well.


I had a feeling that over achiever would pop his head up the moment his name was dropped Maleficent. Goes to show you how bright he is when after I mentioned the block feature, he goes through the trouble to sign up and post a huge load of crap, that I only read the first sentence of before blocking him.

Be careful with the block feature though. It worked okay for me, but I hear tell that it's buggy, so I suggest anyone else not use it until Admin works the bugs out. You can also click the [–] next to the persons name and hide their post. As of right now, when you block someone, you cannot unblock them. In this particular case no one is ever going to want to, but something to keep in mind.


ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Dear God. Now I HAVE to go over and post some fun stuff in the masturbation thread... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Especially since none of the "decent" people over at IMDB bothered to make it over here, according to our sanctimonious friend. πŸ˜‚ That's probably a good move on their part--if you can't stand the heat, time to get off the prairie. πŸ˜… Personally, I rather like being counted amongst the indecent on this forum... πŸ˜‰

Seriously, I needed a laugh, and I really should thank TazMoose for that hilarious rant. πŸ˜… (I'm totally serious--I have a deeply disturbing sense of humor, and I laughed so hard I re-read it three times... 😹) I find it particularly odd that, for someone not wanting to follow the rest of us degenerates over here--POOF! πŸ’¨Good ol' Taz shows up right when we mentioned his/her/its name. Kinda' like unintentionally invoking Satan πŸ‘Ή... VOILA! πŸ‘» πŸ˜…

Oh, and Wonton--no need to fret about me blocking anyone and screwing up this thread. Au contraire, my friend--I actually look forward to reading Taz's soliloquies/diatribes/whatever. Why would I block free entertainment on here?! πŸ˜„

Well, I'm off now over to the masturbation thread... πŸ™€πŸ˜œπŸ˜… In honor of all the easily offended, I feel like it's my civic duty to try and revive that one too... πŸ˜‹

"Hi-ho, Hi-ho...it's off to masturbate I go..."


Haha! πŸ˜€ That's a pretty cool sense of humour you have there Maleficent . I'm pretty lighthearted in general, but I read through about one sentence of that screed, and my mind auto blocked the rest. But I wish that I had your sense of humor, and I'll work on that.



Edwards for sure, but actually I think Grace Snyder who became his wife smelled worse than him. (Why would she marry disgusting Mr. Edwards??? Did she find his whiskey stash and thought it was water???) She had to have if she'd let Edwards under her pantaloons because her ladyparts probably reeked and she didn't notice Edwards' stench because she was even stinkier. Those two deserved each other.
