thank you to the posters

i have been suffering from depression off and on for the past few months and one of the things that always helps brighten my mood is you guys

some of these posts are absolutely hilarious to where i cant stop laughing for a good 5 minutes

thank you all for making some of my days better


Hang in there Jason! I also enjoy the lighthearted fun that we have here with this show. I know that some members don’t like it, and only want serious discussion, but what fun would that be πŸ˜€


What a drag that would be! That's the best part of this topic!! It would totally suck if we couldn't joke about it. I actually really love the show, but there are just too many things about it just begging to b made fun of to ignore. πŸ˜…


Oh--I totally understand!! I always LMAO reading the LHOTP threads. 😁 I haven't been on here in a while, but I wanted a good laugh and had to check in to see what's been going on. I hope you are feeling okay--I have days like that too. Hope this place continues to be a source of enjoyment for you. 😊


I'm glad if people can come here or to any of the other TV show threads and have a good laugh.

I tend to laugh a lot at the commentaries about music or shows on youtube. A lot of the commentaries are so hilarious. I don't think some people even realize how funny their remarks are.


Seriously! Me too. If nothing else, it's highly entertaining for anyone with a good sense of humor. 😁


Glad to see that you’re still around Maleficent! I actually prefer the more light hearted conversations myself. It’s not as busy yet here as I would like, but it’s definitely picked up thanks to jason88cubs, and a few others. As with [email protected], I’m just happy to see members commenting here.


Hey! Glad to see you too! 😁 I haven't been on in a few months, and I was in a LHOTP mood so I wanted to see if anyone's posted new stuff. Happy that there are some new people here. I'll have to check in more often--there's some hilarious stuff I've missed! I'll try and come up with some new little prairie topics to make fun of... πŸ˜… Good to be back! πŸ˜‰
