Lauras horse Bunny?

Does anyone know how Laura aquired her horse Bunny?




It was Patty's foal/colt.

Back in the premiere, their old and tired horses were traded for a couple of fresh/rested ones to pull their wagon on their long journey before they ended up near Walnut Grove. One was a mare which carried a foal. Laura named them Patty (mare) and Pat (stallion or gelding). Patty gave birth to her colt ("Bunny") in a following episode, and Charles gifted it to Laura (whom was present for the birth). The older ponies Pat and Patty were eventually traded for Oxen, but Laura could keep "Bunny."


the thing I remember about Bunny was when its leg was broken and Pa shot her and then the family ate it while talking to an Indian about not drinking whiskey and becoming a Baptist.


ROFLMFAO. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I know---this is archived, but seriously...I just can't stop laughing... 😆


The whole Bunny quadrilogy is a bit weird. They go overboard on stories for Bunny (Laura trades Bunny for Ma's Christmas gift, Laura saves Bunny, Laura races Bunny). And then they wrap up the arc with an uplifting ending, in which Bunny gets shot.

I also thought Charles and Caroline did a poor job of parenting Laura in the episode where Nellie is paralyzed. Laura takes on all this guilt, and despite their mild protests, they continue to let her be Nellie's slave, and worse let Harriet mind-frak her.


sjbradford (Sun Oct 9 2016 11:54:45)
and worse let Harriet mind-frak her.
I would have been severely hated in that community. Every time Harriet would open her mouth to say something stupid, I'd be shutting her up.
"My poor Nellie!" - "Your POOR NELLIE just said some very rude comments and that's why she got punched in the face, she had it coming, so STFU!"

"Why, I never..." - "Yeah and that's why you are always acting like you are repressed. Maybe if you would shut up, your husband would try to satisfy you once in awhile!"

"They're such a poor family..." - "If having money means being like you, I'd choose to be poor too."

"Some people are just plain rude!" - "You finally looked in a mirror eh?"

When she's adding in a plague to be put on the blind school with her name on it... - "I have a much better idea. Instead of boosting your already over inflated ego, how about a plague that reads, 'The Lars Hanson School for the Blind' since it's his house that will be getting used for it?"

When she's saying that Nels being a traveling salesman is her idea... - "That's funny, I could have sworn he got fed up with you and came up with that idea all by himself, despite your protesting against it."

When she was spreading those lies in the newspaper... - "Hello Mrs. Olsen, I'd like you to meet my friend, he's a very powerful lawyer who will be representing all the people suing you for defamation of character..."

She'd hate my guts with a passion.


I don't know bipperfroe, but that horse had a c_ _ k so his name shouldn't have been Bunny! 😀

But in all seriousness, here's the answer to your question:

Bunny was Laura's horse that was born to Pat and Patty in the The Pilot.

Edit: Added back in my original answer that some goody two shoes got deleted back at IMDB ☹


I never knew that! Thanks for explaining--I also wondered about Bunny's 🐰 origins. (You're right--Bunny's a questionable name for a male 🐴!! 😁)

