
Do you think any of the characters did it?



Why? This was a different time.



Sexual mores were different in the 19th century.


That is how history records it, but sexual needs and desires have always been the same in people. It is inconceivable that (once anyone gets to a certain age) they don't release those things. That's not to say they did it in the bedroom (that they pretty much all shared).


Now there's a subject one doesn't expect to see when reading the Little House on the Prairie forums...

I guess my first response is to wonder Why are you wondering in the first place? The second related one is to wonder whether you're thinking of the characters on the TV show, or in real life in the 1800's.

Assuming the latter...

That's a human activity irrespective of timeframe and is something that humans have always done.

With that said, mores have changed on this, and it used to be more looked down upon in culture, and because it is not something that is necessary to do (despite what some today claim), I am sure that in times past among some it was much less common than it is in culture now.

In other words, it's possible some or all did and possible some or all didn't. But I still think the question is kind of weird to begin with...


The fact that you feel compelled to say it's weird is exactly where the problem lies.

It is necessary to do if you aren't engaging in sexualy activty with another person. In the same way having regular physical contact (hugs, kisses with family, friends etc) is. So yes you can technicaly go without, but it is not healthy.


I did not say that it was weird - you misread - please do not put words in my mouth. In fact I said that it was very common.

What I do think is a tad weird is posting on a Little House on the Prairie forum wondering whether the characters did it.

I also think it a bit weird that you feel compelled to make a case for masturbation...


I did not say that it was weird - you misread - please do not put words in my mouth. In fact I said that it was very common.

oh hell!

In other words, it's possible some or all did and possible some or all didn't. But I still think the question is kind of weird to begin with...

how can something be weird and common at the same time???????

I think the OP is trying to see into the past and wondering if they did it.

making a case for jacking off??? er, what? so if this guy is agreeing with you that it is 'very common' then why are you having a problem with him regarding making a case for it????

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


how can something be weird and common at the same time???????

Goodness gracious... I didn't say that masturbation was weird. I said that the QUESTION was kind of weird - if you look again at the sentence of mine that you quoted you'll see that the subject in the sentence is "question" not "masturbation". I find it an odd question. That has nothing to do with whether masturbation is weird or odd...

I find it a little odd to sit and wonder about whether the Ingalls family masturbated. If you or the OP don't, that's fine. Sit and think about it all day if you want, I don't care... :)

As for me and Authorized-User, you have it backwards - it was he who took what I said to the OP and misinterpreted it and made it seem like I was saying something I was not, which I addressed. Then he went out of his way to make a case that he believes masturbation is necessary for good health. And that's fine - he can think that. It was kind of odd to me that he went out of his way to do that. But whatever.

My only main comment was to the OP that back in times past, the mores about it were different than they are now and thus assuming that people in times past did it to the same level that people do now is probably a big stretch. It used to be called "self abuse" in my grandfather's generation and was definitely NOT considered "necessary for good health".

Personally I find this whole thread pointless and stupid and am sorry I posted on it and will probably not do so further.


so you responded to a weird question? that seems bizarre to me.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Perhaps. As stated, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have. Are you going to tell me that you have NEVER responded to a question that you thought was a little odd? Let us be honest here Mr. deem_bastille. You comment all the time on posts and I'll bet there's been at least one that you thought was a little odd... If none other, you responded to my post that you thought was odd, so I guess by your logic your own action should seem bizarre to you too...



Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


My apologies. I've read your posts here for a long time & don't know why I thought you were a Mr.


Pretty sure that's why those boys were spying on Sylvia.


What made me think about it was the speculation on Charles and Caroline's sex life. It made me wonder if they or their daughters ever had done it seeing as premarital sex was seen as immoral by most at that time (and by some today) and that it would be easier to hide masturbatory activity.


<< I find it a little odd to sit and wonder about whether the Ingalls family masturbated. >>

Pretty sure Nellie was the busiest bee...


Well, we we know Mary certainly did. When I was a kid, the nuns told us that could happen if you did that too much. Come to think of it, I think Mr. Edwards had some hair on his palms. Hmmmmm!!!

I call woo woo on you,


YES! Mary went blind from masturbating too much!

Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh you will burn!


Well, we we know Mary certainly did.

and her husband Adam.

'Huuutch!' - Starsky


and the blind children too.


What did they use for lotion? Lard?


I thought Mary's blindness was from scarlet fever. Hmm, now I look at her in a different light. 


I reckon Willie Oleson was the type to lock himself away for several days when he discovered it. (With or without the underwear catalogue).


You're right, I totally forgot about that real episode where Willie is in his bed looking at the underwear catalog!


Although I question the OP but some religion had sort of chastity belt for boy that had spike so at night if they achieve erection they would wake up. Chirstiany does have some problems

End of line


They probably did.


Okay, seriously, this thread needs to be bumped. Either that, or I could just go ahead and start a new one about Carrie and why she REALLY spends all that time in the outhouse...🚽

Better yet, couldn't Michael Landon have just written a whole episode for her on this--exploring the issue of Carrie exploring herself?! 😜😅 "The Littlest Masturbator In Walnut Grove". Or perhaps "Masturbation, Prairie Style". Would have made more sense than the LSD-trip episode of Carrie with the giant strawberries 🍓 and hallucinatory friend.


I do it to pictures of Melissa Gilbert. (Peter Brady loved her too.)


Oh--that's right! LOL!!! He was that kid on the train--or was that Bobby Brady?! Meh---I know it was one of them...


That was Bobby Brady.

I can only imagine Albert sharing the loft with Carrie after Laura married.

Carrie: Albert, I hear a wild animal. I'm scared.

Albert: Shut up bitch, you'll wake up Pa


"Shut up bitch, you'll wake up Pa" ROFLMAO 😂😂😂


They could do a story similar to this one, just replace John Boy with Carrie, and the house with the outhouse, and it could work 😀

Family Guy - The Walton's Family (Goodnight Jon-Boy)


OMG--for sure!! 😂 I remember that episode of "Family Guy"--that would be perfect! 👌
