Maleficent's Replies

That's so cool! 😎 Thanks for the great job you guys are doing. I love this site and really appreciate Jim for creating it. I'm grateful to have a place again to discuss movies and everything else. 😁 It's nice to have a place like this since IMDB is basically pointless now. Thanks again and keep up the great work! 👍🏽 Depp is my go-to for EVERYTHING. He's #1 for me, but I love RDJ and he's my #2 after Johnny. And how awesome would it be for both of them to be in the same movie?! ❤️️❤️️❤️️ No one cares. Now crawl back to your comic book collection in the basement. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Of course you're talking about yourself, and you're obviously still in the closet judging by the hard-on you have over him. Who beat your ass as a kid--all the big hetero football players? Yeah, thought so. 😁 Because you have a LOT of issues. You post way too many comments on Jude not to be in heat over him. 😍 Plus you have a big hangup over who/how many people he's had relationships with. You're obviously jealous of them. 😉 You're irrelevant, as is your opinion. No one gives a rat f*** if you don't go to his movies. He's got 3 of the children with his ex-wife. And clearly, you're full of sh**, because you obviously ARE "one of those who bash Hollywood types" as evidenced by your statement that they're "rotten and corrupt". Plus Mr. Law is a person who has done charity work for countless different organizations over the years, ranging from many children's causes to women's issues, including domestic abuse and medical conditions, human rights violations and many, many other things. So now tell us--what's so great about YOU, you judgmental POS? He's a totally hands-on dad. He spends a LOT of time with all of his kids and takes them with him on all the holidays that they're off for school vacations. A lot of the time, he plans his work schedules around his children. He takes them on Christmas holiday vacations every year and sometimes even includes their mother, i.e. his ex-wife--so the kids can be with both parents. In the past, he's taken them to places in third-world countries to show them that not everyone is as fortunate as them, but to also have them help out with the communities that they're visiting and do charity work for underprivileged people. He's a good guy overall--I just wish he'd find better women to hang out with. His 3 oldest kids are from his first marriage, so it's not like he's never been in a committed relationship. I think I remember you saying that about not creating new threads on Previously TV...LOVE the podcasts!! I actually fell asleep last night listening to one--"Family Quarrel"--the one where Nels is fed up with Harriet and moves to the hotel across the street. 😅 LOL!! I saw Albert Ingalls' Twitter a while ago--too much! 😂😂 Bummer he's not over here, but yeah, maybe he wouldn't go over too well with the mods... 😅 Update: Just went over to check Albert's Twitter--good Lord! I forgot how funny he is. Laughing so much I'm crying...he's SO bad but SO hilarious! 😂😂😂 ROFLMAO! Brilliant! It's too bad you couldn't have pitched that storyline to them at the time! 😂 I loved Redford so much at the time that I wore my copy of the VHS tape out. 😂 I don't remember how many times I saw it in the theater. When I was in Vegas, I had to go to the Hilton where it was filmed solely to check out all areas of it where the various scenes were shot. Hell--I not only would have slept with him for free, I'd have paid HIM. 😄😋 Oh SH** YES! Am watchin' that episode right now & I want to smack that idiot in the head with one of those tin lunch buckets. What a dick! "Turn the other cheek"--yeah, no. The whole town should have taken a lesson from the school kids (who in this episode kinda' remind me of Children of the Corn 🌽...heh heh heh...) and kicked the crap 💩 out of them and then fed their carcasses to buzzards. Screw the pacifist BS. Rev. Alden can go suck some of Carolyn's broken eggs. 🍳 Thanks! I forgot how much I love this forum--I agree it would be fantastic to have some more people posting here. I was over at Previously TV--it seems like some of the old threads aren't there, but I could be wrong. I just thought there were a lot more threads, more stuff on the Mline School and May We Bake Them Brown, etc. than I saw there tonight. I wish the Television Without Pity site was still around... Anyway, I'm so glad to hang out here again. 😁IMDB2 doesn't seem to have as much LHOTP stuff compared to here. Ever see Albert Ingalls trolling anywhere lately?! That dude is riot! 😅 Wish he'd show up again... 😄 Oh well... I'm off to bed--but I'll be back. 😉 OMG..."Parents can eat a bag of dicks today." 😂😂😂😂 Sorry--CAN NOT stop laughing. And I totally agree!!!!😅 That's AWESOME! 92! I watched this show on tv last night---"Little Big Shots: Forever Young"--that has a bunch of senior citizens who are still performing--one lady was like, a 92-year old showgirl, one other guy was 103 and still in an acapella group, and a 70-something year old stunt man. Jon Merlin should be on it! I saw the baseball episode the other day. I also remember Forrest Tucker from F Troop, but I didn't recognize the other guest stars you mentioned. ...or they could've just gone all Donner Party if the food situation got too dire, i.e. "Soylent Green is made out of PEOPLE!"😉😅 My mom used to eat at the same lunch counter with Richard Jaekel in L.A. years ago, when he was starting out in Hollywood. I always think of that when I see the creepy "Thylvia" episode. 😳 I know he's just playing a character, but it still kinda' creeps me out thinking that my mom sat next to a clown rapist for breakfast... 😝 Oh! I forgot about them! I loved them too--Johnny Cash is always awesome.