MovieChat Forums > Little House on the Prairie (1974) Discussion > Who is Your Favorite Character Who...

Who is Your Favorite Character Who...

...was only featured one time or, at most, a few times? This topic is meant to exclude reoccurring characters or cast members who were on regularly for a certain period. (Although if someone can't help themselves from an honorable mention like Percival Dalton AKA Isaac Cohen, I'll understand. )

My favorite is probably Isaac Silverman, the craftsman for whom Albert apprenticed. He was hilarious and full of wisdom. Killing him off in his one and only episode was so cliche, but it was done well with Albert finishing his coffin. 


Great picks so far, everybody!


I liked Olga: the little girl who Charles made the special shoe so she could walk better.

I also liked Percival's parents (for comedic reasons). Watching Mrs. Olsen go toe to toe with her male, Jewish, personality twin was entertaining.

I liked the deaf boy and his dad that Laura taught to sign. I wish they would have had them appear in more episodes.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


"I also liked Percival's parents (for comedic reasons). Watching Mrs. Olsen go toe to toe with her male, Jewish, personality twin was entertaining."

I agree! I've seen people say that they didn't like the father but I really liked him. I liked his conflicts with Harriet plus I'm also just interested in 19th century Jewish culture.


I liked Olga's dad. "Eeen-gulls, I tell you not to meddle."

I call woo woo on you,


Suzanne Rogers as the widow whom Nels met while out of town and considered leaving Harriett for.

Eileen Heckart as a local widow who was romanced by Ray Bolger, I believe his second appearance on the show. She wasn't charmed by him like everybody else, but eventually invited him to supper and they had a bittersweet, I believe brief romance.

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."


I like Anna the Stutterer and Olga With the One Short Leg--the one that had the special shoe made for her by Jesus of Walnut Grove. Oh yeah--and Ma's hot piece of handyman ass/lil' Gracie's pa, good ol' Uncle Chris. 😋 He was real easy on the eyes... 👀 Too bad they couldn't have found a permanent place for him in Walnut Grove. Like maybe as the go-to guy who takes care of those little jobs around the house that the town women's husbands just can't seem to get done... 😉


The teacher who was hard on Laura

She deserved it that little spoiled brat!

then here comes white knight charles to the rescue

surprised he just didnt intimidate the teacher by showing him his nips


I'd definitely pick Percival Dalton's father! Mrs. Oleson sure met her match in him.

I also liked the character of Nels Oleson's sister Annabelle. It was a very poignant episode with Nels being ashamed of his sister. Hard to believe he was ashamed of such a sweet woman yet he wasn't embarrassed to be seen with his screeching, gossipy, harpy of a wife. LOL
