krl97a's Posts

"Transgendered" biological male now owns 10 CT state track records formerly belonging to 10 different girls. Girls sue. Universities removing portraits of mostly white male Nobel/Lasker Prize winners; not "diverse" enough. San Francisco moves to ban words like "felon", "juvenile delinquent", and "drug addict". Original Star Trek's Uhura slams political correctness in great scene. Average quarterly GDP growth: Trump 2.64%, Obama 1.92% Is the notion that "diversity is a strength" actually bigoted? Pro democracy Hong Kong protesters wave US flags and sing the US national anthem. Trump boosts manufacturing jobs 399% more in his first 26 months than Obama's last 26 months. Washington Post embarrassed over gaffe-filled article needing 15(!) corrections. Which Democrat candidate is the least anti-American? Biden: "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." Nazis haven't been a real threat since 1945. Communism remains an ongoing, serious threat. Attempted mass killer at ICE facility wrote "I am Antifa"; Antifa openly praised their member as a "martyr" Judge dismisses DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign over hacking, shooting down weak conspiracy theory. Do any leftists here oppose political censorship by media/twitter/fb/google/etc.? Republicans kicked ass today. Mueller was a train wreck for Democrats. Trump is even more exonerated than before. Great execution but asinine plot. Just more "white people are evil" BS. That power "European mind set" like the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Comanches, etc.? Which Democrat candidate is creepiest?