MovieChat Forums > Politics > San Francisco moves to ban words like "f...

San Francisco moves to ban words like "felon", "juvenile delinquent", and "drug addict".

Since the liberals here keep raising "Tucker Carlson" out of the blue, I'll finally post something from him. This great piece on SF voting to change speech guidelines in government business.

"Convicted felons" are now "justice-involved individuals". (Making them definitionally and morally equivalent to crime victims)

"Juvenile delinquents" are now "young people impacted by the juvenile justice system" (it's society's fault, not their personal responsibility)

"Drug addicts" are now "people with the history of substance use." (not abuse; abolishing the lines between addicts and anyone who has "used" substances)

I guess defining them out of existence is one way to solve your crime and drug problem.

"The San Francisco Chronicle pointed out that under the new language guidelines, a victim of a car break-in by a recently released felon on parole with a drug problem would be called “a person who has come in contact with a returning resident who was involved with the justice system and who is currently under supervision with a history of substance use.


What's next, a bank robbery is an undocumented withdrawal!


Maybe "murderer" can become "unauthorized respiratory inhibitor".

Though I'd prefer "extremely late-term abortionist".


Rape becomes "unauthorized semen distribution".


Since the liberals here keep raising "Tucker Carlson" out of the blue, I'll finally post something from him.

We raise him out of the headlines, not out of the blue. When the moron says there's only enough right-wing 'homegrown terrorists to fill a football stadium', it's worth discussing here. And FOX thinks it's enough to send him on an unplanned vacation.


Who said it was "unplanned"? He was right about the "white nationalism" threat largely being a leftist hype job. The vast majority of those smeared with that label (which has included non-white conservatives, lol) aren't racial bigots at all, let alone white nationalists. The screechingly stupid leftist echo-chamber imagines Carlson saying something "outrageously offensive!!!" almost daily, so any routine time off will likely coincide with some meaningless blog/twitter flare up most Americans aren't paying attention to.

Have you posted a thread about his return to tv?


Everyone at the network said it was 'unplanned' when asked by reporters.

He was right about the "white nationalism" threat largely being a leftist hype job.


Yep, and that's why his advertisers fled, and FOX had to distance themselves with a disclaimer. See that - when you're right about something, no one stands with you. It must be a 'Tucker Carlson' thing.

As for his return to TV - the question is still asked: How can a TV show survive without advertisement revenue? Maybe he will tell us before his next (permanent) unplanned vacation.


Everyone at the network said it was 'unplanned' when asked by reporters.

According to whom? Some leftist blog?
See that - when you're right about something, no one stands with you.

You mean apart from millions of viewers?

Cable News Rankings Thursday 8/22
1. Tucker Carlson - demo: .22; total viewers: 3.031 million
2. Sean Hannity - demo: .20; total viewers: 3.063 million
3. Laura Ingraham - demo: .19; total viewers: 2.469 million
4. Fredo Cuomo - demo: .19; total viewers: 1.226 million
5. Brett Baier (Sp. Rpt.) - demo: .17; total viewers: 2.039 million
6. Rachel Maddow - demo: .14; total viewers: 2.482 million

"Rachel Maddow’s ratings steamrolled by Tucker Carlson and Hannity"

"Ratings for MSNBC opinion host Rachel Maddow continue to crater following the release of Robert Mueller‘s final report concluding there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and insufficient evidence for obstruction of justice."

"Tucker Carlson Continues to Deliver Massive Ratings to Fox News – Despite the Boycotts
It’s gonna be hard to part with these numbers, #FireTuckerCarlson-ers"




A show can't survive without ad revenue, no matter the ratings!

"Tucker Carlson's Show Bled 70 Advertisers in Less Than a Year"



Apparently he still has plenty since he's still on the air. The point is that while Democrats use sleazy tactics to silence their opponents' voices and get their shows taken off the air, he still has millions of viewers....way more than his competitors. Backroom corporate shenanigans aside, the people have spoken.


Money talks. No ad revenue, no money. No money, no Tucky.


He's on right now, LOL.


Everyone at the network said it was 'unplanned' when asked by reporters.

I’m curious— what is your source for this claim?


Media reports.


LOL! Which ones, loser? Cite them.


Fox news


Liar. So you spilled all that electronic ink here breathlessly hyping up that claim, including at least one entire thread, despite knowing it wasn't true. Man, you suck.


If you don’t agree or believe what I post, don’t read it. Why in the world are you so whipped up about my “ spilling electronic ink”, “ hyping up a claim “, etc when there’s so much more in this world you should be whipped up about - starting with another mass shooting in Texas and #MoscowMitch taking no measures to keep us safe? You really need to prioritize better.


You're an evil person. That's all I have to say about that.

As for the other stuff, I like exposing lying scumbags.


You're an evil person. That's all I have to say about that.

Of course that would be your only comment on another horrific mass shooting. You have a black heart and a dark soul - you certainly don't care about innocent lives being lost.


No, that's my comment about you gleefully trying to politically exploit a tragedy. You have even less worthwhile substance to offer on that topic than you do on Tucker Carlson's vacation plans.


You are a sick person - not giving a damn about innocent lives being lost. Awful, but expected from you.


We've established you're a serial liar, so coming from you that's practically a compliment.


Doggiedaddy gets owned again.


So, if someone breaks into a home and is shot, would that be "After entering the home without consent, he stepped into the path of a projectile".


The citizens of communist SF will now be known as Human fecal sidewalk artists. Because sensitivity.


Think of a nicer term for sexual predator like Epstein that isn't 'problematic'. Uncontrollable Desired Sexual Youth Emergency?

Anyway I don't think this such a bad idea for ex-convicts that did the time and is looking for a second chance at life (max 2). Must be misdemeanors or light felons. Anything short of attempted murder. Shouldn't also apply to multi-feloned thugs that just go right back into the prison complex system after going on parole.


Just another lame distraction that fails to work, or fix the problems that pollute SF. You may as well have Empress Pelosi parade around with no clothes on, and having people who point out that her new suit isn't real being arrested.

The only way we're gonna "fix" San Francisco's problem is to first get rid of the morons in charge and put actual adults in those offices that know how to run a city. Next we gotta untie the cops' hands and let them do their jobs in regards to quality-of-life crimes. Third thing we gotta do is get rid of the homeless and clean up the damned streets. Things are never gonna get better until we do those three things.

The biggest problem with this city is that it's run by people who don't have to deal with the problem directly. It would be justice if they took all the homeless people, their poop, their garbage, and their needles, and dumped it all on the front lawns of the politicians in charge who came up with those stupid sanctuary city policies.


Boy, these new PC words are a mouthful.
