MovieChat Forums > Politics > Judge dismisses DNC lawsuit against Trum...

Judge dismisses DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign over hacking, shooting down weak conspiracy theory.

The Clinton appointed judge wrote that their charges of conspiracy with Russia are "entirely divorced from the facts".

The DNC suit also targeted Wikileaks and others for publicizing the material exposing Democratic party corruption after others had already done the hacking. It's as if Democrats forgot the whole Pentagon Papers case that every intro to constitutional law student learns about ever happened.


Oh wow, Fox news. Heard it was in the Bible... proclaimed 2000 years before this even happened.

In comb over we trust.


Think on it a bit buddy, it's OK to take your time to comprehend.


Maybe you should refrain from drunk posting next time.


Maybe you shouldn't be completely FOS when you post? Did you hear MM fell off his patio because his chin blocked his vision of everything downward facing?

Plus, you missed the conman reference? Truly a shame not to comprehend. Tis a sad day in Merica.


I see you rejected my advice. At least it must be good stuff.


Ah, yes yes, trust the comb over.


Am I supposed to be clicking on these videos or something? To get me to do that you'd have to say something more intelligent or interesting.


Nope, really could not give a shit. Please tell me you have more to say as well, otherwise you're just a party line standing C*nt, who has no insight of their own.


Say about what? You stumbled into this thread seemingly confused and unaware that it's reporting a judicial opinion, not something just Trump or "Fox News" said. Have you even read the article?


Oh, so you are just a party repeating C*NT. Do you understand the letter that is left out of what I stated?


I'll take that as a "no".

PS - Which "party" does the Clinton-appointed judge belong to?


I'll take that as a "no" as well. I'll give you a tell though, the videos are from the movie "The Hustler" starring Christian Bale.

A judge cites the rule of law in so far as the information they are supplied is legally obtained as well as accurate, then rules upon it. It does not necessarily exonerate anyone, simply the provided facts that were allowable in court did not indict anyone. There could be more facts undiscovered that may lead one way or the other.

OJ got off for some reason. Are you saying Trump is your OJ?


LOL! The evidence against OJ was overwhelming. The evidence against Trump is nonexistent. You really should read the article if you're going to post so many times on this thread.


Yet... OJ got off...interesting? Huh?


Because of years of anti-white race baiting by liberals. Mueller's angry Democrats had no interest in letting Trump off. They tried their best to nail him on anything they could. It was a witchhunt in search of a crime. But go ahead and list your OJ level evidence against Trump. The equivalent of the victims' blood being all over his vehicle, garments, etc..


Are you serious?

What state do you live in? Are there any non white ppl in your state? You are all semantics and horsesh*t.


So you can't cite any evidence against Trump, let alone OJ level proof. Got it.

Texas is one of the most racially diverse states in the nation, lol. Your response wasn't even coherent. Talk about horsesh*t.


How was it not coherent? So how queer are you and how many steers do you f*ck? F'n Texas. I'll have to suspect you of being Mexican living that close to the border. Send some border patrol to investigate, make sure you aren't trying to distract us with the real problems in the US by pretending to be a citizen. You could be smuggling drugs and terrorists into our fine sovereign nation.

OJ level proof, yet OJ never went to prison for that crime..funny.


Somebody broke dackbar, lol. He's in a complete, stammering meltdown.


How dem steer doin? you keepin them satisfied?


Your fantasies don't interest me.


One of the many noteworthy portions coming from the decision.

"But, even if the Russians had provided the hacked documents to the Trump team directly (they didn't), the judge wrote, it would not be criminal for the campaign to then publish those documents, as long as they did not contribute to the hacking itself. Similarly, the judge said, it is not criminal to merely solicit or "welcome" stolen documents."


Another huge loss for the democrat media/party. Add to that the “debate” last night and it’s another disastrous week for the party of fail.

They better hurry up and find a new rat infested town to defend.
