krl97a's Posts

Twin Peaks Final Dossier. How much represents the new timeline? Almost none of it? Basically all of it? Has South Park become soft, liberal, PC, unfunny, and irrelevant? Why I'm disappointed in the finale and why we need a season 4. Kyle MacLachlan July Interview: "ultimately everything...will make sense. It will be clear." So now the left doesn't know what Western Civilization is? Great fan-made trailer for S3 in the style of a summer blockbuster. Here's what I'm wondering. Alright, Time Lords don't switch genders when they regenerate. So much for that BS Russia "scandal". Even Chris Matthews admits no "there there". Where are the gods of abortion, government dependence, environmentalism, and political correctness? This show is stupid. There's nothing worthwhile under the metaphors. Could as easily had a government taxing air you breathe. US states versus EU and other major nations, GDP Per Capita (PPP) Rosenstein didn't threaten to resign. ABC cancels #3 most watched scripted show LMS, renews much lower rated left wing shows. Is the left intellectually bankrupt? The US has the most progressive taxes in the world. More Americans voted for right leaning presidential candidates than left leaning ones in 2016.