krl97a's Posts

China bans South Park after episode satirically criticizes the communist regime. Great news! Shepard Smith, the most biased hard news reporter in FNC history, is finally leaving. Beta says he'd strip churches, schools, and charities of tax exempt status if they don't support gay marriage. Do you believe Democrats should be above the law? Ukraine president strongly reiterates NO pressure or quid pro quo by Trump. NYC bans calling someone an illegal alien out of "hate". Up to $250,000 fines per offense. Democrats damaged national security for nothing. Now no world leader can talk to the US president in confidence..... Democrats caught lying again. Trump vindicated again. Ukraine call doesn't even mention the military aid. Democrats go off the cliff. The lunatics are in firm control of the party of Impeachment. Beta's flip flop on taking AR-15s and other guns. Great column by Ann Coulter: "We don't trust you." Liberals should read it to understand conservatives. Former NFL player caught red handed faking a "hate crime". NY Times deleted three moronic tweets in just the past week. New Kavanaugh accusation already debunked. Alleged victim doesn't even remember the incident. NY Times omitted that fact Can you explain why GDP growth/wages/manufacturing/confidence/stocks all suddenly improved when Trump replaced Obama? Manufacturing job creation: Obama: -495k (8 years); Trump: +498k (32 months) San Francisco labels the NRA a "domestic terrorist" group. Trump is doing big things while Democrats talk about petty stuff. CNN busted for fake news again; Decision to extract Russian asset was actually made in 2016 due to Obama admin. leaks. Trump wins again. Leftist media goes from calling NC races a "bellwether" before the election to ignoring them.