MovieChat Forums > Politics > Original Star Trek's Uhura slams politic...

Original Star Trek's Uhura slams political correctness in great scene.


So you'll take no offense when I call you a troll. After all, you should be delighted with what you are.


I don't get offended per se, but I can point out that you're a moron who doesn't know what the word "troll" means.


You're also a racist! No offense meant.


See? You can't offer a coherent definition of "racist" that would apply to me either.


I repeat:
Racists are usually happy and comforted in the hope that they can say something disparaging to a black people without it being criticized by them. They are hoping that black people will accept it without complaint. A favorite fantasy of racists similar to "wishing to be in the land of Dixie" which explains their love affair of Confederate flags and swastikas.

I knew a bigot who would frequently say anti-white things and declare he was just exercising his freedom of speech. That's similar to bigots who want to say anti-black nonsense and excuse it by denouncing political correctness.

It's still bigotry whether it's hidden behind "freedom of speech" or complaints against "political correctness".

BTW, "negress" was not in usage during Lincoln's lifetime. Obviously, a TV show isn't going to use the term that was in use. Do you actually believe using the N word is OK and why? Is this a fantasy for you and why?


Racists are usually happy and comforted in the hope that they can say something disparaging to a black people without it being criticized by them.

When have I said anything "disparaging to a black people" (sic)?* And are you claiming Gene Roddenberry was racist, lol?

*Good, sensible people just want to avoid train wrecks like this...

..that weakens and dumbs down the human race, or the cynical political manipulation that comes from feigned, tactical outrage.


Why are you upset with the term racist? You should learn to not fear words. No offense given. You should be delighted with what you are.


Just trying to educate you on grammar. Lies, not words per se, are the problem. You dodged the question, coward. You haven't provided a speck of evidence that either I or Gene Roddenberry are "racist".


You're acting as if my calling you a racist is negative and needs defending. You're contradicting your own video since you're getting upset over a word. Embrace it! Accept it! Be like Uhura, you big pu**y!


Still not a single example of me exhibiting "racism"? Political correctness is largely about attacking words used without malicious intent. Lincoln wasn't trying to be malicious with Uhura. You are malicious. It's also a negative that you're stupidly misusing words. For example, a "pussy" is someone who's mentally and physically weak, and who lacks backbone. Like you. Hope this helps.


Racists don't know that they are. When given examples, they will deny them. A racist's behavior is obvious to others though.

For someone who believes one should accept insulting language, you're rather thin-skinned. You are contradicting your own original post. You sound like you want to be PC.


Non-racists will typically deny accusations of "racism", genius, especially when zero evidence has been produced. And no, the point went completely over your head. While leftists like those in the video I posted throw deranged tantrums over words used without malicious intent, like calling a group of people "guys", the problem here isn't the word "racist". It's the accusation it represents. You could use other words to say the same thing (e.g. bigot, doesn't like black people, etc.) and it would still be wrong. Lincoln's word accurately described Uhura. He just feared the word choice might be offensive.

If you say two + two = five I might correct you. Doesn't mean I find the word "five" offensive.


I mean, thats how it always works. Words only offend when you are familiar with them. If someone calls you a word thats alien to you, you're probably not going to be offended no matter what your politics are.

This is all easy stuff to understand.


That's not what she said.

"You see in our century, we've learned not to fear words."

Of course Uhura could still give as good as she got when someone was being malicious, but she wasn't going to manufacture grievance where no offense was intended.


I rather enjoyed seeing that. It was more comforting to see than the whiney, overgrown brats of today.


Racists are usually happy and comforted in the hope that they can say something disparaging to a black people without it being criticized by them. They are hoping that black people will accept it without complaint. A favorite fantasy of racists similar to "wishing to be in the land of Dixie" which explains their love affair of Confederate flags and swastikas.

I knew a bigot who would frequently say anti-white things and declare he was just exercising his freedom of speech. That's similar to bigots who want to say anti-black nonsense and excuse it by denouncing political correctness.

It's still bigotry whether it's hidden behind "freedom of speech" or complaints against "political correctness".

BTW, "negress" was not in usage during Lincoln's lifetime. Obviously, a TV show isn't going to use the term that was in use. Do you actually believe using the N word is OK and why? Is this a fantasy for you and why?
