LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

I think it's very fitting. All bow to His Highness, Lord Jim! 🤴🏻 Three cheers for the mighty Jim! Hip-hip horray! Hip-hip horray! Hip-hip horray! 👏🏻😄👍🏻🎬🎉 Truly, Jim, you are amazing and brilliant. I don't know how one person can do everything that you've done. God bless you. May the odds be ever in your favor. May the Force be with you. Live long and prosper. Eep, that sounds horrible, but I haven't seen that show... yet. I agree. I find being able to see other people's posts useful, but I can easily see how it could be abused. Adding friends would be useful, too. LOL @ diaper commercials after Arya stabbing. 😂 Commercials really do ruin the moment, which is why it's nice to be able to skip them. I didn't think the premier was horrible, however, and I'm still not quite sure how much the timing affects viewership, although it probably does have some influence. It is incredibly sad how much Emerald City is mistreated, misjudged, and ignored. Lol. I just happened to see your post since I was scrolling through the "Trending" boards around the time you posted. You'll see more of why he's called the BFG as the movie progresses. He didn't plan on eating her. He was afraid she would cause a giant hunt, so he took her but kept her safe. Alright. Thanks for responding. EDIT: For the third question, maybe the longer he stalled, the less control he had. Because he started talking to her, ranting and raving almost, after he let go. Then he ordered her to close her eyes so she wouldn't see him kill her. It was really only after Toto attacked that he lost it. Well, I suppose it isn't all that active here... Is anyone left? Or has no one come back? 😬😕 I agree 95%. xD The relationship between Anakin and Padme was just plain awkward. Definitely start him out at least as a teen, not a happy little kid. Trade and pod racing weren't necessarily bad, but they could have been handled better. Palpatine orchestrating most things was interesting, although a bit overdone. Just a few times, to check Trivia, release date, and ratings briefly. Yeah, I agree that she deserved some suffering, but not as much as she got. Like Theon's punishment was overkill, but /some/ of it he deserved. No, you're great! Lol. Glad at least someone read it. c; Even if Finn was trained since he was a kid, Kylo still might have been able to "condition" him, depending on how the timeline fits. The memories of being trained since childhood could even have been part of the "conditioning". On Kylo shouting "traitor" at Finn, I actually think it does fit in with his character, provided he had at least some prior knowledge of Finn, ala le theory. He seems like the kind of person that flips out whenever things don't go his way, and having a Stormtrooper steal the map that would lead to his long-lost uncle/ mentor/ last real Jedi is high on the list of messing with Kylo's plans. 😉 I suppose that could be part of the problem, but people can just record it and watch it on their own time. I find that easier, but sometimes I watch shows live. IMDb, but this is an offspring/recreation of the boards, so MC too. I suppose it's possible that I'm just thinking of Reddit... but I could have sworn I remember something on the older movie boards. Oh well. What'd you think of the theory itself? I can take a hit, if it was really that bad. XD ... Do people not post theories here or something? I thought I remembered seeing a few here and there, but perhaps I was mistaken. Most D.C. Superhero movies/ shows (Superman, Batman, Suicide Squad, etc) Deadpool James Bond Mission Impossible Transformers (only saw the first) Agents of Shield LOTR Return of the King (really want to see this one... but my younger brother wants me to wait until he finished the book, which he started a year ago and stopped halfway through) Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels This list used to be much longer, lol. Only recently caught up on Marvel, X-Men, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter-- as in within the last 3 years. A bit late, I know, but maybe his magical eye has other special properties, like being able to identity and label mythical creatures or spells that have been cast. Otherwise seeing the boggart change would make sense. Yeah, something along those lines would be useful. Logging on this morning, the oldest post in the trending section was only an hour ago, lol. Agreed. I don't like giving out my email to random sites, and have enough spam clogging up my inbox as it is. However, I do see why people would appreciate it. Notifications on the site would certainly be useful. Like something you could click to bring up a list of unread replies to your posts/comments.