LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

I think a like button would be cool, but a dislike button could be abused way too easily. Also agree with avatars, skip to most recent post, and sticky threads. Good points. Except insults depends on the situation, I think. Update: now I'm not getting logged out anymore. Yay! Nice ones. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ» EDIT: found some more juicy ones... Robin Arryn and Lyanna Mormont will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals. (For the last lemon cake, of course.) After exiling an exile from the dungeons of Sunspear, Littlefinger will slice off Beric Dondarrion's neck. Damphair and Thoros are revealed to be one and the same, having maintained this crafty facade for years. (Makes sense, almost...) Bran will warg into The Night's King to murder Ghost. (Noooo! Why Bran, why? 😭😰) Bran will warg into the long-lost heir to an Essosi kingdom to torture Sandor Clegane. (Seriously, wtf is with Bran being evil?!😨😡) Mm. Again, it was just an idea that popped into my head this morning and thought I'd share it. Having second thoughts about it's effectiveness now, lol. But trustworthy mods would be good. Yeah. With great power comes great responsibility. I never said he wasn't. I know he's working very hard on this site. True, but this is just a suggestion. Thought of it this morning. Good point... Oh well. Just a thought. I know, right? Tolkien's Elven language is so lyrical and beautiful. "Leia" fits right in. Good luck! I have faith in you! β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘πŸ» Nothing against you smokers, but I just never understood how or why people get into it in the first place. I mean, you're literally inhaling smoke... And I have asthma, so almost every time I pass someone smoking I have a coughing fit. Once I had to get a wheelchair to be rolled to a First Aid building in Universal Islands of Adventures because I couldn't f**ing breathe after passing by a poorly-ventilated smoking area. 😨😷 I understand that it's an addiction and hard to control. But just please try to be considerate of other people when/ if you do smoke/vape. That's amazing! πŸ˜±πŸ˜ƒ I have hazel eyes, so they seem to change a little depending on what I wear, but not nearly that much. Thank you! πŸ˜„ I thought about doing something with Game of Thrones, too, like Targaryen or Stormborn or First of Her Name... but it was getting long anyway and I like the alliteration as is. And I can never remember if it's TargaryAn or TargaryEn. I think it's the latter. πŸ™„πŸ€” Yeah. I never understood that part. Maybe her girlish infatuation with Joffrey and fear of punishment overcame her reason? Most of them are reasonable. Some are corny. I couldn't take "Agony" seriously at all. My whole family was cracking up. It started out okay, just two brothers complaining about their crushes not loving them back... then they started climbing around a waterfall, tearing at their shirts, and rolling on the ground. Like, dudes, take a chill pill. You just met that pretty girl. Of course. Who else would it be? ;3 Logan, Beauty and the Beast, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, The Last Jedi If I remember correctly, the normal Avatars were a mixture of Na'vi and human DNA. There would probably still be a way to tweak the genes to make them appear more human. It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure if it will be implemented. We can dream... In an imaginary world, perhaps. One can dream, no? Something like that. Almost forgot about the four fingers/toes thing. I thought of it, but forgot to add it. But then again, aren't the normal Avatars a mixture of human and Na'vi to begin with? Like how would they become more human, just genetically engineering?