LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

Well, mine won't be quite as detailed because I'm a bit tired. Might add more later if I feel like it. Not quite in order, either, but close enough. 1. Loki: He's a Norse god, for starters, and I love fantasy in general. He's amusing, cunning, and strangely handsome. His motives are understandable in some ways. And I love his dynamics with Thor. 2. Ultron: An advanced AI that decides the only way to fix the world is destruction. Because humanity is stupid and violent. His logic is sometimes amusing, as well as how he tries to understand the world. 3. Apocalypse: Similar reasons as Ultron. Wants to rule the world by destroying everyone he considers weak, annoyed by how far humans have gotten in his absence. 4. Red skull: Other than being played by the same actor as Elrond, I think he's an interesting character. A bit one-dimensional, however, but that could be argued as part of the serum's effect on his psyche. 5. Zemo: For similar reasons you chose. He was out for revenge, and although he could have woken the other Winter Soldiers to cause widespread devastation, he didn't. He only wanted the Avengers to tear each other apart. And he brought up the interesting question of how far should superheroes go when saving the world? How much collateral damage can be excused? 6. Scarlet Witch: I know she turned good, but for the first half of Age of Ultron, she was a villain. Again, I love fantasy, so her powers are glorious. Imagine what it would be like to create such vivid visions and move things with your mind. And she has somewhat complex characterization, more so as the series progresses. And she's a powerful young woman. Huh. Interesting question. I would assume their facial features would be slightly angular, bodies relatively tall, eyes almost large, and black hair. I believe their skin would be slightly dark with maybe some markings, but I don't have much evidence other than tribal communities tend to be dark-skinned for some reason (Native Americans, Africans, etc). Nothing against them, of course, I find tribal cultures intriguing. May I request that some of the other boards (Games, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Shop Talk, etc) be added to the Trending Section? I almost missed a reply, because I forgot how far down I had to scroll. πŸ˜… I love "The Voice" best of all the ones I've heard so far. Gives me the shivers sometimes. πŸ˜…πŸŽΆ Eh, I think it depends on how bad the trolls are, especially if they try to target people personally. I usually just ignore them, but they do sometimes get on my nerves. Definitely. Especially if you like Harry Potter. Most of it was amazing, but there were a few things that just kinda made me scratch my head. The "fantastic beasts" were amazing CGI, the majority of them either adorable or glorious. I love Celtic Women, too! Haven't managed to see them live, but I have some of their albums on my phone. Ooh, love your name! Mythological meaning, and it ryhymes to boot! πŸ˜±πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ» We already have Emoji access. See? πŸŽ¬πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ» And at the rate this site is progressing, I'd say we'll have the other features in a few days to a few weeks. No rush, of course. Agreed. But if you post in those boards, you can get to them easily enough via your profile. Good point. I still can't believe he's doing it all on his own. That is a huge undertaking, and I have the upmost respect for him. I've taken a Web Design course in addition to a handful of coding/ computer science courses (C++ and Java), so I know how difficult and annoying programs can be to create and edit. Still getting logged out once I click on a notification, though... Ah, thank you. If it was an article, could you provide a link? Ah, okay, thank you. I thought it was referencing an old movie I haven't seen yet or something, which is certainly possible. πŸ™„πŸ˜… Also, I just got a notification on-site, but when I clicked on it, it logged me out. Is that happening to anyone else? And now I just got an Application Error.... I'm using private browsing mode on Safari on iPhone, would that have something to do with it? Apologize for my naΓ―vetΓ©, but what exactly is a Lansbury? I've seen that reference multiple times on this site, and I have no idea what it means. xD But thank you, Jim! Appreciate this very much. c; Do you know who the third person was? I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this next weekend! I agree that would be a nice addition. Good point. I was leaning towards him being flayed, but my eyesight isn't too good so I wasn't sure. Well, I started by making a list of cool-sounding names of people and places from my favorite movies/series. Two of the best of the list were Princess Leia from Star Wars and Lothlorien, the beautiful Elven kingdom of Lord of the Rings. They sound glorious together, and my creative mind thought of how awesome it would be if Leia was an elf. So viola, my username was born. I never actually had an account on IMDb, because I mostly lurked the message boards and looked up trivia. I forgot about him! I was wondering who the heck he was, too. I have a feeling he had some connection to East, though. Like maybe a paramour or lover that cheated on her or something. On that subject, did he kill Ojo? And was he flayed or just red-skinned?