Sansa Stark

Anyone think she deserved all her suffering? She was a real brat.


Just for being a brat?


Yes, that's reason enough.


Fair enough.


She didn't kill anyone, so no, she didn't deserve it.



True. I kind of see how she deserved some suffering....I just think she got far more than she deserved.



Yeah, I agree that she deserved some suffering, but not as much as she got. Like Theon's punishment was overkill, but /some/ of it he deserved.



In Season 1, Sansa was unbelievable. She could have told the truth to King Robert and her father, instead she says "I don't know" which results in the death of Lady, the Direwolf that did nothing. You'd think after it was announced Lady was to die, she would have said "okay, okay, it was Joffrey, he threatened the innocent butcher's boy and poked him in the face with a sword. I saw the whole thing, just please do not kill Lady."

But instead she screams, and cries, and wallows about, and Cersei's smug as ever, and Lady dies. The direwolf that died for nothing, absolutely nothing.

The only good thing that came out of this, was they didn't hunt down Nymeria and Nymeria will return in Season 7 or 8 and hopefully bite Cersei's arm off.


Yeah I forgot about poor Lady. How old was Sansa meant to be when that happened?


Old enough to know better.


Oh, I'm not saying otherwise.



So do you! lol



In the books she was what, 11 or 12? Probably meant to be 13-14 on the show.


I don't understand this comment. Lady's death started a transformation in Sansa's character.


Seeing as how Sansa only slightly begins to change in Season 2, well after the events of the Trident, mmmk.


Yeah. I never understood that part. Maybe her girlish infatuation with Joffrey and fear of punishment overcame her reason?


I read the book and the comic, and they are written the same way. Sansa is just infatuated with Joffrey and he cannot do no wrong. It's frustrating for us as viewers, but that's the way it was written.


She was a brat, but I don't think she deserved everything that happened to her. The upside to all her suffering is that she's now stronger and more cunning than her old self.


Actually, she's never really done anything of merit beyond getting other people to do the job for her and killing an already downed opponent who had no way of defending himself.


So did Littlefinger. Sansa will not have any fighting skills and divine intervention that Jon has, the fighting while blind skills and face-changing of Arya, or Bran's supernatural abilities. Sansa, however, has started to amass the cunning and political skills she learned from LF. Jon may have been elected the war-time king of the North, but Sansa pulled the strings. LF is the most ruthless player in GoT, and his only weakness is Sansa. You forget that she is still married to Tyrion, and Brienne and Jaime have both pledged to save her. The Hound also has a soft spot for her. You can count in Theon as well. Jon, Arya, and Bran may do all the fighting and saving, but Sansa is the one who'll pull the strings. Of all the Starks, she's the most underestimated, which is why her eventual rise to the top will be all the more surprising. Remember, GoT was based on the War of the Roses. Elizabeth I won the throne after that generational war. She was a red-headed, virgin, kept hostage by the royal family, had a traitor mother who was beheaded, trained by an older, ambitious man (Seymour), and most importantly she was underestimated. Of all the characters in GoT, who do you think closely resemble her? Remember, the marriage to Ramsay and rapes were invented in the show. As of the last book, Sansa was still a virgin, and it was a different character who was married to Ramsay.


No, Littlefinger has actually manipulated people.

The closet Sansa has gotten is simply going along with Littlefinger's stories and asking Littlefinger for help.

Brienne and Jaime's pledges are not Sansa's own merits at all.

The Hound having a soft spot for her is also not on her own merits.

Theon is the only reason Sansa is alive.

If she does rise to the top, its gotta be very hard to believe and will not feel earned like it does for everyone else (with the possibly exception of Yara, she doesn't really do anything but fail except for when the enemy is too stupid to guard the ships)

Also GoT doesn't follow the War of the Roses exactly. If it did, Robb would have killed Joffrey and drowned Theon in wine.



Her suffering is relative. Compared to Theon, she has hardly suffered at all. But, it helps us to feel sympathy for her character


You felt sympathetic for her?


Actually sansa is a reflexion of that kind of womanhood which you typically find in our day to day life. She was intense to marry a prince like casual teenage dream, easily manipulated, became greedy for that, pay the debt for this greed. Harshly treated by other royal families because of what her father/forefathers did, She is just like other medieval women who suffered their womanhood in the man-dominated world. If you read the history of our human civilization you will see that most of the aristocrat women just bargain chips of their family. They were treat like a commodities to get rid of the war or legalize someones right on the throne/kingdoms or producing heir for the throne by marriage or captive. Character of Sansa just portray this facts. I was never angry about her. Actually when we see ourselves in mirror, we judged the mirror image not our own trueself.


So she was a crazy person who did bad things and then played the victim?


Something like that. She did things what her mind told her to do. Its a typical human nature. If someone have an opportunity to marry one of Trump's sons, typical person try her best to do it with all cost, because she know, it will be take her near the power circle, give her more security than anyone can offer. You can call this greed or you can call this best self-interest of her ;) in any ways if this not gonna happen, she will feel herself victim here. We human like to think ourselves in victims place although what we did.




