Kylo and Finn Theory

So, I thought I'd kick off things with a crazy theory of mine. I'm new, so please don't kill me. *raises hands in surrender*

First off, this is building off an existing theory floating around the Internet that Stormtroopers' "reconditioning" is something to do with the Force, probably the Dark Side. Like a Jedi mind trick on steroids or something.

Anyway, assuming that is true, what if Kylo Ren was the one who originally "conditioned" Finn to be a Stormtrooper? Since Kylo is a fail at life (an argument for another thread), he probably messed it up somehow. Snoke might have let it slide, since FN2187 would probably get himself killed or reconditioned again in the near future, and it's only one Stormtrooper out of millions. So if Kylo didn't do it right, that would make it easier for Finn to snap out of it and retain some of his personality. Maybe Finn is slightly Force sensitive, which could have helped him break free as well. Kylo also seemed to recognize Finn in a few scenes, notably at the end of the raid on Jakku and the lightsaber battle at the end ("TRAITOR!").

Admittedly, there is very little evidence for or against this tinfoil theory. But I think it makes sense in a weird way. I like the idea of a defecting Stormtrooper... but the execution of it just made me cringe at times. So thoughts, comments, questions?


... Do people not post theories here or something? I thought I remembered seeing a few here and there, but perhaps I was mistaken.




IMDb, but this is an offspring/recreation of the boards, so MC too. I suppose it's possible that I'm just thinking of Reddit... but I could have sworn I remember something on the older movie boards. Oh well.
What'd you think of the theory itself? I can take a hit, if it was really that bad. XD




No, you're great! Lol. Glad at least someone read it. c;

Even if Finn was trained since he was a kid, Kylo still might have been able to "condition" him, depending on how the timeline fits. The memories of being trained since childhood could even have been part of the "conditioning".

On Kylo shouting "traitor" at Finn, I actually think it does fit in with his character, provided he had at least some prior knowledge of Finn, ala le theory. He seems like the kind of person that flips out whenever things don't go his way, and having a Stormtrooper steal the map that would lead to his long-lost uncle/ mentor/ last real Jedi is high on the list of messing with Kylo's plans. 😉


Le bump. Also, I posted the thread for debating Kylo's level of failure, so check it out if you so desire.
