MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jim Smith appreciation thread.

Jim Smith appreciation thread.

This thread is to honour our hero and saviour Jim Smith. Send your thanks.

By the way, Jim, if you're reading this, I noticed you had a Twitter account. You should reply to random movie Tweets with something like "IMDB message board alternative:" with a bunch of hash tags to get more traffic here.


Three cheers for the mighty Jim! Hip-hip horray! Hip-hip horray! Hip-hip horray! 👏🏻😄👍🏻🎬🎉

Truly, Jim, you are amazing and brilliant. I don't know how one person can do everything that you've done.

God bless you.
May the odds be ever in your favor. May the Force be with you. Live long and prosper.


I've said it before and I've said it again. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, JIM! You have successfully brought back what I thought that I had lost forever. I was devastated when the cruel rats at IMDb shut us out and threw us away like garbage but am glad to find solace here.

With that being said, however, not only is this community warm and inviting, but I love that the layout is so familiar as well being that I was on IMDb for years until they so wrongfully shut down the message boards (and on the EVENING of FEBRUARY 19TH, I might add).

Keep up the outstanding work, Jim, and GOD BLESS YOU, SIR! Thanks again for all of your continued hard work and effort too, as I look forward to coming here each day knowing that you are continually making some great updates to this fine website. To sum it all into perspective, I'm here and do not plan to leave anytime soon!


Your Highness of the Cinematic Court Lord Jim of the Message have my thanks forever for getting this site going, keeping it going, and being so great about listening and responding.

We shall make sure all this hard work is for naught. You've saved many a' cinephiles souls methinks. So, happy to have a place like this around. All my gratitude!

Too dramatic? Eh, seems fitting enough.


I think it's very fitting. All bow to His Highness, Lord Jim! 🤴🏻


All of the above and below :D


Just wanted to say thanks as well. The only reason I ever went to IMDB was to check out the boards and discussions on films I had just watched. I was totally at a loss until I found this site. Thanks so much!


Well I had already embarrassed myself when I first ventured onto this place by creating threads asking who the author is and other threads to say that I'd like to hug the sh*t out of him or something, and other threads to thank him. All of this due to my childish excitement.....

But I'll hopefully redeem myself in here to say a huge thank you to Jim for recreating, salvaging and rescuing all our cherished moments, memories and contributions. Thank you for bringing the IMDb refugees to a place where we can feel at one with our kindred spirits, a place we can now call home, a promised land that cannot be taken from us. And for the daily, hourly hard work and efforts you are putting into this place. You're our cyber Godfather and we are worshippers of our saviour. You're the best.



I'm so happy about this site that I'd like to hug all of my virtual IMDb friends that I have successfully reunited with right now. Serious kudos to Jim as well!

Would a *virtual hug* work? I know, it's the best I can do!


I've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Jim, you really have a wonderful thing going here!


I was so sad when I knew the imdb boards were closing,I didn't see the point of browsing any more as I enjoyed the msg boards so much. You have brought hope to us again,thank you for thinking of us unlike them traitors (imdb)


Lord Jim, you're the best!! There are not enough "Thank You's" in the world to express how much I appreciate you and this wonderful site! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You with all my heart!!! ❤ ❌❌❌❌ ❤
