MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Notifications v1.0

UPDATE: Notifications v1.0

Good news guys!

Basic email notifications have been added. If you're an existing user, to enable email notifications, go to your profile (by clicking your username in the navigation bar above) and click on "add email". New users will now be required to sign up with email and notifications will be enabled by default. There is also an option to opt out of email notifications, should you wish to do so.

You'll receive an email notification anytime someone replies directly to a post or reply you made.

I'm also working on adding notifications to the website as well (similar to what you would see on Facebook when someone comments/likes a post). As always, let me know your thoughts and suggestions.




Thank you, St. Jim : )


Thank you Jim.



Absolutely great stuff! I just added my email a moment ago. :)


WOOT! Milestones!!!


Hey somebody message me. I tried messaging myself but that didn't work.




I don't know how long it's supposed to take but as of at least a minute no email notification.


I got your message straight away but it landed in my spam folder.


It's not in my spam folder either.

EDIT;Oops I received Arvin's but not klonz. It didn't go to my spam folder


Remember when you sent me my message for first email`notication? I just got it.


lol! better late than never :D


Check your spam folder. I just received my first notification. Hooray!


Okay. Hope you receive a few e-mail notifications. I immediately signed up for them the moment I heard the good news from Jim earlier and received three right off the bat.

This site is getting better and better every day!


Yeah personally I'd prefer seeing a number pop up by my username like Reddit or Facebook then having to use email alerts but appreciate all your hard work.


lol...this page would be like the new social networking site. We might as well also throw in full length movies on this thing through the website's own youtube like videos.

Facebook, youtube, and IMDb combined!


Agreed. I don't like giving out my email to random sites, and have enough spam clogging up my inbox as it is.
However, I do see why people would appreciate it.
Notifications on the site would certainly be useful. Like something you could click to bring up a list of unread replies to your posts/comments.



Now if we could just have the option of having the OP, in the message board threads, be able to be notified every time there is a reply inside that said thread. On IMDb, many posts went unanswered because only the person replied to "not always the OP" received the message. Ultimately, I would love to see where everyone in that thread receives a notification when someone replies and of course, every individual including the OP, could opt out if it became too annoying.
