MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sexual Misconduct in Hollyweird: 37 Accu...

Sexual Misconduct in Hollyweird: 37 Accused


The Hollyweird Cesspool of sexual predators just gets deeper and deeper.



A lot of them weren't actually accused of anything illegal. And yes, it matters. "Sexual assault" isn't hurting someone's feelings or being an asshole. Life is unfair for everyone.


That's probably true. On the other hand, for every case reported there are probably 100 unreported because the victims are scared or embarrassed.

PS Happy Thanksgiving!



How many are there?


37 in this article.

PS Happy Thanksgiving!



We don't have it here,but thank youπŸ˜‰


You're welcome. Where are you, if you don't mind my asking?



I live in the north - eastern part of Romania...currently i'm at work.


Outstanding. I love the international flavor of this site. Don't work too hard.



Trust me,i won'tπŸ˜‰


That's the spirit!



Copy thatπŸ˜‰


One of the recently accused just took a polygraph test and passed with flying colors. I don't know what to make of this but I suspect at least some (percentage unknown) of this recent sh#tstorm is an updated version of a witch hunt.

I think people are racking their brains trying to remember or reinterpret something that happened so it fits.

Still, as a conservative, I'm enjoying those that exchanged victimhood for votes being caught up in their own trap.


I agree completely. On the other hand, for every case reported, there are probably 100 which go unreported because the victims are still afraid or embarrassed.

Happy Thanksgiving!



I think there are some real complaints mixed in with people seeking attention and/or trying to get back at someone they didn't like.

So if this lie detector is accurate, that means that those women straight lied about the incidents involving Piven...not 1 but a few of them did, also the Stallone thing looks like it was a lie as well. The more that get found out to be lies, the weaker these claims will become and they will start impacting the legit complaints.


In that case there should be some defamation law suits filed against the accusers.



I'm all for the polygraph tests being done and the results being made public, but I'm not comfortable with using the results in any kind of prosecution. My gut tells me that they're well over 90 percent accurate, but if the person taking the test is mentally unstable and *believes* what they say even if they are wrong, they'll pass the polygraph. And what about the 10 percent that are just wrong? There is an art to performing an accurate polygraph.

Still, after the accused passes, I would love to see the accusers take a polygraph. Although it should have no ramifications legally, I think it will go a long way to restoring the reputation of the falsely accused.

Maybe someday the technology will exist to get these to 100 percent accuracy.


Trump wants congress to release names of sexual harassment suits.


He does? What is your source?



First off, I'm glad this stuff is coming out now. And it's not all just lewd comments or "someone hurt my feelings."

It's right that women should not have to expect to put up with power-imbalanced physical sexually motivated assault of any kind within an industry.

What gets me is, where was all this outrage in the earlier Hollywood era?

Marilyn Monroe and others of her era were raped -- yes I do say raped -- abused and used over and over serially, passed around, and made to truly believe that is all they can expect if they want to be hired for roles.

Natalie Wood was outright raped by Kirk Douglas but was told to shut the fuck up or she would never work again.

Yet nobody protested then, and nobody is shedding a tear for those women, even though it's the same thing.


And Natalie Wood was a minor. And her rapist will be 101 next month.


Who raped her?



It was Kirk Douglas, who has lived a long, long life, and probably never even regretted it.


Wow. I did not know that.



Wow. I did not know that.



yeah, breaking news, it's been going on for a hundred years, and now it's big news.


Much longer than that. It was going on in the theater ever since women were allowed to play women's roles. On second thought, it probably went on when men played all the women's roles.


Hey, boys will be boys, lol


I think it's probably been going one since before we walked upright.

