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Hillary: We Have A Man Accused Of Sexual Assault Sitting In The Oval Office, Accusations Not Taken Seriously

This has the transcript of the WABC interview with Hillary. Who's the presidential candidate not "mentally competant" for the job?

Cosby asked Clinton about her own husband's infidelities. Clinton said that is "not a distraction we should fall for."

"The Republicans are led by a man who admitted to sexually assaulting women," Clinton said. "He bragged about it. And if we're going to encourage women to have the courage to be heard we can't excuse the president from this debate."

"But how is that different than the allegations against your husband?" Cosby asked.

"If the Justice Department wants to assign a special counsel to investigate President Trump that's the parallel. If they want to spend $70 million investigating every allegation anyone might have made against him that would be in line with what happened in the 90s," Clinton said.

"Do you regret not saying something in support of the women? Because you've always said that women should be believed and yet George Stephanopoulos and others said that you were part of the attacking the victims, the women who were making the allegations against your husband. Do you regret that?" Cosby pressed.

"Look, I think every situation has to be judged on its own merits," Clinton responded. "And there were allegations that were disproved. There were allegations that were absolutely contradicted under sworn testimony. So, of course, you should give people who make such allegations the benefit of the doubt, that's what our system does, but then you have to investigate them, and that fully happened in the late 90s."


Who knew Bill Cosby was such a doggedly replete reporter?


And Hillary- you have LIVED with and defended a horndog while trying to destroy the women he assaulted.

Is there any limit to this miserable hag's chutzpah? When will somebody finally drop a house on her?


That is an excellent idea, PJ!



The only thing I know about Bill Cosby is that it's a bad idea to have a drink with him...

I can't believe Hillary's tongue doesn't catch fire in her mouth. When she was in the White House, there was not only a rapist there but a enabler who not only defended him, but attacked his victims.

No end to hypocrisy.
